Chapter 24: Salvation

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The green- eyed doctor handed Robert his discharge papers, closely regarding him from head to toe.

"Really, Mr. Downey", he urged him, "It's very important for you now to know what's up with you..."

Robert coughed slightly and shook his head.

"I don't want to know, doc", he countered and put on his coat, "If I ever change my mind, you'll be the first to know."

The doctor nodded unsatisfiedly before Robert left the room, walking down the long corridor with the dimmed neon lights.

I followed him as he quickened his pace. He hated hospitals and moreover he hated staying there. The reason was obvious because every time he's been here, bad things have happened. His mental state was already unstable enough and he surely didn't need this kind of environment at the moment.

As soon as he stepped outside, he wrapped his arms around his body, trying to catch his breath.

I waited right next to him, slowly reaching out for his hand before our fingers intertwined.

He sobbed quietly and I recognized a slight smile on his lips.

Robert slightly dimmed the light before he started the phonograph.

I started to laugh as he slowly walked towards me, doing some of his crazy flirty dance moves, a roguish smile on his lips.

"What are you doing?", I asked jokingly, smiling from one ear to another.

"May I have this dance?", he retorted and reached out for my hand, gently kissing my knuckles.

I chuckled and blushed immediately.

"How could I ever say no?"

He grinned and held my body close to his, slowly dancing through the room, his caramel eyes regarding me closely.

"I'll always love you, Kate", he quietly whispered into my ear as I leaned my head against his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat.

I bit my lip, looking up to him, recognizing this wonderful sparkle in his eyes again.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you", I mumbled then, "Remember, we wanted to grow old together. We wanted to become old, fat and senile together, maybe drink a little more."

He smirked at me and I felt his hot breath on my skin, making every part of me pant for him.

"I want you to remember our plans", I urged him jokingly and quickly kissed his soft lips, "Don't you dare to leave me..."

He gently caressed my back.

"How could I?", he retorted and kissed me again.

"Hey, Bob!", the soft British voice yelled after Robert.

He turned around as the tall man with piercing blue eyes approached him.

"How are you?", Tom wanted to know and regarded Robert closely.

He shrugged.

"I'm fine", he answered then, "It's not worse than before..."

He faked a smile but Tom didn't trust him.

"You know, I have the ability to see beyond words or a smile", he chuckled as they both walked across the parking lot, "You can tell me what's up. What do you think about breakfast?"

Robert smiled slightly.

"Yeah, sounds good", he answered and sat down on the passenger's seat next to Tom. He seemed to be unfamiliarly relaxed.

Tom seemed to recognize his change of mood as well as he regarded Robert closely before he started the engine.

The whole car ride was quiet, both of them remaining in silence without saying a word. While Tom concentrated on the road, Robert simply stared out of the window, probably daydreaming.

"You should go back and find out what's wrong with you, Robbie", I said after a while, not able to stand the silence any longer, "Don't worry about me. I can wait. I'll always will. Take your time, get well again and someday... I'll still be here."

After a few more minutes, Tom eventually stopped the car.

"Let's go", Robert said and opened the door.

"Bob", Tom urged him and looked right into his caramel eyes, "Talk to me."

Robert shrugged, exiting the car.

"I'm fine", he lied and looked up to the sky, "I'm just hungry."

Tom rolled his eyes.

"Robert John Downey Junior", he said, enhancing every single syllable as he chased after him, "Your gonna stop right now and talk to me!"

Robert paused and swallowed hard.

"What do you want to hear?", he shouted at the blue- eyed man, clenching his fists, "Kate is waiting for me! And the best chance to finally be with her again has just been taken away from me. So, yes, I'm really not feeling good. But you can't understand that, okay? You don't know what it's like to lose your soulmate, your better half!"

My eyes filled with tears. Although I felt sorry for Robert, he was at the same time terribly rude towards Tom. He always wanted to help him but Robert never really allowed him to.

"Rob, I know it's not easy..."

"Have you ever truly loved someone? Have you ever loved someone with all of your heart? Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt being without that person? This person is like the air you're breathing. You couldn't live without her", Robert sobbed, pressing his hand against his chest as he slowly shook his head, "No, you don't know what love is. So, don't tell me what I have to do. Because you have no clue, and no right to judge me."

They just stared at another, no more words needed.

"Well, I think I'll skip breakfast today", Robert muttered then and ran his fingers through his hair, "I'll go to the cemetery, maybe I'll walk or I'll take the bus, I don't know. But I have to be with her again. She's waiting for me, Tom. Okay? See you later, anyway."

With those words he turned around, his hands in his pockets, walking along the crowded streets. Cars and pedestrians passing by while he just concentrated on his thoughts, stubborn as always.

Tom looked at him until he disappeared around the corner. He sighed and slightly shook his head.

"I know you mean well", he mumbled scarcely audible, scratching his neck, "And I really hope you'll make your way. Just don't take any chances."

He was as worried about Robert as I was. But both of us knew, it took a lot to change his mind about something.

I quickened my pace until I finally reached Robert again.

"Have you heard that, Robbie? Don't take any chances", I repeated strictly and reached out for his hand, "You've got a warm heart and a beautiful brain. I know, you're simply unstable. But please don't scare me again. You're seeking your salvation in death. But death is no salvation."

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