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Geno watched as Dream wrote some sort of letter to the Villains, and smiled when he finished. "You're done now? Good." Dream smiled and watched as Geno opened a portal and left, causing Ink to sigh. "You okay, ink? Don't worry, he'll be fine!" Dream tried to comfort his friend, but that only made Ink laugh.



Geno hesitated to knock on the door. just do it, Geno! Come on! He urged himself and knocked 3 times before getting ready to run.

He paused and put the portal away. Be brave, Geno. you need to keep the Star Sanses' promise. 

The door creaked open to reveal a tired Nightmare, who immediately readied his tentacles. "Hey! I won't attack!" Geno put his hands up and showed Nightmare the letter.

A million bad things rushed through the goopy skeleton's mind as he saw the letter, but grabbed it and raised a bonebrow. "Your brother and Ink want to propose something. You could read the letter, or you can meet us in the anti-void in around 2 hours. Your choice."

Geno quickly left after that.

Nightmare is fucking scary.


The villain sanses walked through the portal, grumbling. Horror had just woke up even though it's been at least 12 hours since he'd slept. lazy people sometimes.

"Oh! Brother!" Dream called out and sped walked to his 'brother' who just growled at all the positive energy. "What do you want." nightmare growled at Dream, and the smaller skeleton gulped, before nodding to Ink who came up quickly. "We want to have a..." Dream froze. 

"A truce." He finished.

That caused Nightmare to choke on his own spit. 

A truce?! 

"We just want to stop fighting." Ink pipped up, and Error glared at the skeleton, who just 'smiled'.

"Why should we believe that you won't go create more 'hopes and Dreams'-" Error cut in, "-0r @U'$." 

Geno walked up and rolled his eye. "Have we ever denied a truce before?"(The X-event) Dust looked down and then whispered to Nightmare, who sighed. "Fine."


Cross, when this was going down, was in his room listening to X-chara. idiot, no one would care if you stayed here! They don't care about you. Stop acting as they do! You are pathetic! You can't do anything right! Chara rambled to his 'friend', who just sat there, limp.

Well, besides the tears falling from his eyes.

"Cross? You in here?" The Antarctica-dressed skeleton jumped and quickly wiped his tears away, and hid under his scarf. "Yes. What." He answered harshly, to which he didn't mean.

"Can I come in?" He noticed something...

It was Nightmare. 


"Yeah!" Cross answered quickly and got up from his perch on the bed.

"I need to- have you been crying." Nightmare internally rolled his eye. Probably because Cross wasn't around him. See, I told you he doesn't care! He just rolled his eye! Chara screamed to his victim, who just smiled. "Yeah, I... Stubbed my toe." He lied quickly, smiled. "Okay? Anyway, apparently, the meeting between the Star Sanses was for a... truce. " Cross choked on his spit, just like Nightmare did. "Wait-WHAT?!" Nightmare rolled his eye again and said, "You heard me. So we can't destroy universes and they can't fight us. Ink and his 'crew' can't make universes anymore." Cross tried to speak, but only a slight sound could be made. "Wh-what about t-the you getting power thing?!" Nightmare scoffed and moved to he was leaning on the doorway. "It doesn't mean we can't torture the universes. We just cant destroy them. It's a win-win for me, anyway." Nightmare shrugged.

But then his face fell.

"So, tell me the real reason you were crying. That was definitely a lie." Cross froze.

He couldn't tell Nightmare.

He couldn't tell anyone. 

"What? I was telling the truth, Nightmare." Nightmare rolled his eye yet again and said, "Bullshit. You only lie when you call me by my name." Cross tensed up.

"Uh... I can't tell you why. I didn't do anything bad, so why are you worrying?" Nightmare frowned, thinking the same thing. Why am I worried? Geez, Nightmare, you are getting soft.

Nightmare teleported away, and Cross sighed in relief, before returning to his bed.

Little did he know, Nightmare was watching.

Oh, look! Crossy is back from his pathetic interaction with his crush! Heh, having a crush on the king of Nightmares is really pathetic. You really are just a stupid, clueless, moron.

Cross held a hand over his mouth.

Those last words have been used by every scientist when the experiment was going on with him and chara. " I guess you are right." Chara scoffed and floated in front of his victim.

That's right. I always am.

"Cross." The small skeleton jumped and whirled around to Nightmare, who was glaring at him with intensity. 

He hates you, ya idiot.

"Nightmare! I-I..." He didn't have an excuse. He was going to be yelled at for talking to Chara again.

"Meet me in the throne room. Now."

I'll be alright, one day. Just not today. 


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