Well... not ending yet!

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I love this song!! It matches Dreamtale perfectly!!


"LEMME GO!" Cross screamed, fighting against the extremely strong guards, but failing miserably. he couldn't summon his knives, and it seemed like that necklace Nightmare gave him was being too strong in this world.

Cross could barely feel Chara, and he couldn't let that monster out... Ever. He'd probably kill Cross, or make him kill himself. And this time, Nightmare wouldn't be able to save him. that was a promise.

The guards stopped, and Cross stared into golden eyes, which were not warm like Dreams at all. They were like Nightmare's but the calmness in them was unsettling. This must be DS Dream.

This Dream nodded once, his eye lights darting to the guards. Cross was released from the hold, and fell to the ground, wincing as the pain from the tight hold on him was increased by the release of pressure.

DS Dream smirked and squatted, coming face-to-face with Cross, who was struggling to get up. "You're magic is no use to mine or anyone else here." He chuckled, flicking the other on the head. Cross flinched, another wave of pain overcoming his body.

"You're lucky friends got away, so we just had to fetch some more." DS Dream explained, clenching his fists, but the look of calm remained on his face, not a speck of anger or sadness visible.

"You won't win..." Cross growled, glaring up at the angelic skeleton. DS Dream let out a laugh. "You villains won't win in whatever you're doing anyway, but you still go on. I'm the hero in this book, so I will win." Cross looked down, not wanting to meet the other's eyes and the coldness of them.

Nightmare would be furious when he gets back...

The thought of Nightmare, in general, brought a little hope to his chest, but he ignored it like he always does.

Sure, Nightmare cares slightly about him, but Killer already attempted to get Nightmare's love. He could not afford this. Dream would be his best bet, and when he saw his 'lover' he would shower him in 'love'...

If he could act that well, that is.

He felt strong hands grab his tender arms, and he yelled out in pain.

The guards started dragging him forward, something that made his legs drag on the floor and his arms ache more than ever.

Cross didn't try and fight back...

he had no hope for this. DS Dream had won for now...

and the only way out was through Nightmare and them saving him, or...

He slapped himself internally. 

He could not, would not, should not let chara out.

There's no doubt he would-


 The skeleton perked up a bit, hearing the sound echo across something, but not in this chamber. Echoing wasn't likely here...

Cross listen to me.

The oreo did.

Let Chara out.

Cross's eyes widened, him staring down at the tiled floor and watching the black lines appear and disappear, like a pattern.

I don't have much time to convince you, but after this is-

The voice he was hearing cut off, almost like the time was up on a recording machine. He heard one word, and he believed it.


Normally this would not be able to happen to him, for a strange voice to come in and tell him what to do, and for him to do it, but this voice...

it was so familiar, warming, even...

The realization hit him square in the face, just as the cell floor hit him in the face.

The guards must have thrown him into the cell while this voice was having a mini one-sided conversation with him and that hurt. He rubbed the place where his head hit, which was where DS Dream had flicked him, and looked through the metal bars, to see some sort of bunny creature staring at him.

Cross stared back, almost falling on the slick floor getting up. His legs were sore from the dragging, and his arms were throbbing. He rubbed it and pulled his hand away as soon as a spark of pain jolted up his arm, like lightning.

The voice came back to his mind, and he looked down at the showing necklace, rubbing a hand over it. The smooth surface reminded him of the doorknob to his cell, where X-gaster kept him and Chara.

This made him sigh, knowing that they were dead, and Chara was insane.

he could feel the bump of where the necklace is, and that reminded him of Nightmare, who was unreasonably happy when he gave him that.

If he took this off, Chara would be released...

and all hell would come with it.

Cross looked up to the stone roof and smiled, chuckling darkly. The bunny seemed to not like this, because the armor that covered his face shook, and his weapon had a tighter grip on the bunny's hands. "You better have a good reason, whoever you are..." Cross mumbled, reaching around his neck and tearing the second chain off, it makes a small pain go up to his neck.

This made him flinch, but the pain that rested on his body immediatly decreased, the coding fixing it within 10 seconds.

This would have relieved Cross, but he saw something...

Or someone.

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