meeting with the couples. -w-

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Dust waltzed up to Error, who was knitting. "yo." He said, sitting down beside the glitchy skeleton. "D0n't t@lk l1k3 th@t p@r@s1t3."  error said, not even looking up from the blue strings. "Geez, okay. Oh, and I'm dating Blue." Dust stated, making Error lookup. "N0." He said, totally thinking this was a joke. 

He didn't follow Error's footsteps and date the enemy, did he? "yes." Dust argued, smirking. Error sighed and put the needles down. "D0n't t3ll n1ghtm@r3 unl3ss @ps0lut3ly n3sic@rry and n3v3r try @nd hurt h1s f33l1ngs. H3's s3ns1t1v3." Error shrugged. Dust just chuckled.

"got it. Who do you think'll follow?" Error chuckled and said, "H0rr0r's @lr3@dy D@t1ng th@t slut, K1ll3r 1s st1ll br0k3n h3@rt3d, N1ghtm@r3 d03sn't l1k3 any0n3, s0 my gu3ss w0uld b3 f3ll @nd SC1."Dust burst out in laughter. "Killer has the hots for-" Killer walked in at that moment, shutting them both up with, "No one." Dust raised an eyebrow. "I don't like Nightmare anymore, he's a dick." Error burst out in glitchy laughter. "Oh really?" Everyone heard from behind Killer.

Killer sighed, already to tired to deal with this shit. "whatever." He turned around and shrugged. "It's true. You broke my heart while laughing." Nightmare was taken aback by this sudden statment from Killer. "True." he just walked away.

Everyone just sat there for a few seconds, before Dust spoke up, "he didn't throw you into a wall, I'm really confused." Killer laughed and said, "me too."


"OH MY GOD TELL ME EVERY SINGLE DETAIL!" Dream screamed at his friend, who was sitting next to him. Geno, Sci, and Ink were there too, but they originally came to have a meeting. This was a new plan, but Ink didn't mind. Sci just wanted to get back to Papy, and Geno wanted to just sleep (forever) but that would never happen.

Suddenly, Ink felt an urge. 

Ink felt the urge that hadn't been there in weeks. And it was strong. They had just eaten lunch, so his stomach was still full. The urge was eating his brain, telling him he needed to puke. Dream was so happy for Blue that he didn't want to ruin the happiness with his problems, and Error said he was busy...

no one could talk him out of it, so he got up and said he would be in the bathroom. Dream didn't hear, being to entranced in the love-filled details of the story.

Ink walked into the bathroom a little ways from the living room, so they wouldn't hear the ugly puking noises. "I haven't done it in weeks..." Ink murmured to himself, staring into the mirror. His face had gotten better, not having the tired lines under his face, and the white was mostly back to his face. his eyes had some sparkle to them... 

Did he really want to waste that?

He leaned over the toilet-

(Sorry, I'm not going to add the details, I'll probably puke-)

Error had a bad feeling in his stomach. Maybe it was that taco he ate, or it was, "1nk." He exclaimed, jumping up and running out the door, his scarf flapping behind him. Dust and Killer stared after him. "What?" Dust asked, and Killer shrugged.

He almost broke down the door when he went into Dream's castle. "Error?!" Blue exclaimed, standing up. "Wh3r3's 1nk?!" Error exclaimed, ignoring the 2 extra sanses in the room. "he went to the- oh no." Dream said, jumping up and racing up the stairs.

Everyone followed, Error in the lead. They heard the noises about 7 seconds after, and they were horrible.

"H3's b33n s0 g00d!" Error exclaimed, pounding on the door that he heard the noises in. It was locked. He growled and opened a portal inside, running in and taking Ink's finger out of his mouth. "E-error?!" He exclaimed, sitting back and getting hugged tightly by the other.

"Y0U 1D10T!" He yelled, not letting go. Dream stood at the door, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "You promised..." He said in almost a whisper, and Ink could barely hear it. "I'm so-so sorry..." Ink whispered back, voice scratchy from throwing up. "I was doing so well..." he murmured, tears already streaming down his face. Error shushed him by kissing him. "1t's 0k@y..."

They left the bathroom, Ink clutching onto Error like a lifeline. Error sighed and side hugged the other, glancing at Dream. "

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