The aftermath of the drama! XD

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"HELL NO! HELL. TO. THE. FUCKING. NO." Ink screamed, shaking Dream's shoulders roughly. Dream just blinked, staring at his friend with confusion taped on his skull. "You and Killer would be such a great couple!" Blue exclaimed, pouting.

"Well... I..." Dream was speechless, having no idea how to answer the statement. 

"Well, too bad." He heard from behind him, and everyone adjusted to see cross, leaning on the wall. "Hey. Did you forget I was here or somethin'?" Dream blushed and shook his head, patting the seat next to him. 

"Nah. Nightmare's gonna be pissed at me." Cross picked up his sword, which was leaning on the wall, and shrugged. "Well, see ya."

Dream waved goodbye and turned to his friends, a frown visible on his face.

They were gonna torture him now because they think Killer would be great for him.


"CROSS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK." Horror screeched, running out from the door and tackling Cross, who screamed and fell backward. "WHAT DA FUCK DUDE?!" The oreo yelled, seeing the anger visible on Horror's face. "YOU RUINED-"

The author pushed Horror off of Cross, who looked relieved.

"thanks under." She just nodded, looking around. 

"I have an announcement, soo..."

She nodded to the off scene and saw Error bodyslam horror, who screamed.

She rolled her eyes at this and turned to the camera.

"Hello, readers. I have an announcement."

Nightmare dramatically gasped, and a glare from Under made him launch him into a wall. 

"I will not be able to post tomorrow due to family reasons." Cross frowned. "We're redoing my room in an effort to make me like brighter colors."

Horror let out a laugh, one to Under smiled at. 

"Also, I have another book, known as my Backstory. It is very short, and barely has enough detail. I don't care. IT's meh backstory. Screw details."

She saluted to the camera, taking the starry scythe off of her back and breaking the camera. "I blame Killer." She just said, walking off and slamming her door.

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