Mmm dat good depression

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Killer stalked to the bathroom, rubbing were old scars laid. Why would Nightmare do this? He knows how fragile everyone is. 

When the bathroom came into view, Killer smiled. Especially me. He thought, closing the door behind him and looking into the mirror, where he could faintly see two grey eyelights staring at him through the goop running down his face.

He dug through the cabinet and pulled out his best friend, the knife. This very knife has killed thousands and harmed himself so many times... He rolled his sleeves up, staring at the fading scars that Dream healed.

Does he want to do this? Dream can't heal them this time, due to the truce being broken, and he made a promise. Killer chuckled and slid the knife over the bone, where blood pooled around. "Promises are meant to be broken." He said to himself, making more cuts on his bone and putting the knife away. 

"Four cuts, each day." He said to himself and pulled out some towels, holding it over the still bleeding wounds. 

As he walked out of the bathroom, he ran skull-first into Cross, who yelped and fell backward. "Geez dude, hi?" Killer chuckled, tightening his grip on the sleeves and watching as Cross got up. "What happened to your red eye?" Killer asked, staring into the completely normal eyes of Cross.

The other skeleton chuckled and said, "They were pestering me too much, so I knocked them out." Killer chuckled. "What were they sayin'?" Cross froze. "Uh... I need to do something-" Cross practically ran away from the bleeding skeleton, who was staring in his direction with confusion written on his face.


"Geno? You here?" Reaper called out, gripping his scythe tighter and closing the portal behind him, leaving Reaper in the save screen... alone. "Oh no... Geno?!" Reaper yelled, looking around for any sign of life other than the little spot of grass. 

"Hey, Reap," Geno said from behind him, making the other jump and spin around to see a smiling Geno. "Oh thank Asgore," Reaper said, hugging the other. "It's like you think I'm dead if I'm not around you or somethin'." Geno chuckled. 

Reaper backed away from the skeleton and shook his head. "But you almost are, Geno." Both of them froze hearing that, and Geno sighed. "Reaper, you gotta believe me. I didn't really think, okay?" Reaper frowned.

"Geno, Aftertale Sans, you are not going to die on my watch," Reaper said, unsummoning the scythe and sitting down on the floor. Geno sighed and sat down, touching the scarf that belonged to the only person he ever loved. "But I wanna, you know that. My stupid determination to live is just so annoying..." Geno said, looking away.

Reaper sighed and made Geno's hand touch his own, making the other flinch. "You do know that you won't see your brother again, right?" Geno froze, looking at his friend in surprise. "W-what?" He asked, blinking. "Afterlife is full of memories, not the real deal. It may seem like you're with your bro, but you aren't..." Reaper looked away his permanent smile looking sad. 

Geno looked down at his scarf, which was tattered and broken, ripped and frayed with a look that no one besides himself could comprehend. "For once I thought..." He started, ripping his hand out of Reaper's grip and holding the scarf with two hands. "I THOUGHT MY BROTHER-" Reaper's face shot back to a crying Geno, who was shivering and whimpering, big tears falling down his face at a rapid pace.

Reaper tackle-hugged Geno, shutting him up immediately. Soon, the sobbing turned to whimpers, and the shivering turned to twitches.

Reaper looked down to his friend, sighing as he saw Geno asleep, a calm look on his face. "Why, Geno... Why are you so... broken?" Reaper's eyes slowly began to close, going limp against Geno, who hugged him tighter.


"Fucking Horror, fucking Killer, fucking Dust-" Nightmare rambled to himself, sitting on the throne and staring down at the ground, glaring at it strongly. "Uh, Nightmare?" Cross asked, stepping into the room and watching as Nightmare looked his way, face tensing up immediately.

"What, I'm busy." He growled, leaning back in the surprisingly comfortable chair and glaring ath the skeleton. "Uh- well..." He scratched the back of his head, looking away.

"Cross. What the fuck do you want." Nightmare grumbled, getting impatient with this. "There's someone outside who wants to..." He looked away again, frowning. "fix our outfits... Her words, not mine." nightmare sat up, slightly surprised by this.

Someone wants to... "Change our... wardrobe?" Cross nodded. Nightmare let out a laugh, one that could kill a child, and said, "Bring her in." 

Nightmare just wanted to see how this would work out, not really thinking that this person could persuade him.

When Cross walked back in, he brought a girl in with him. She had a stride him her step, even if she was in front of the King of Nightmare's.

She had brown hair that fell down her shoulders slightly. On her head were two black little horns that looked like they were floating away in ashes, but weren't. She was wearing a cloak, which was pulled over at the left side and clipped up by a pin with a black crescent moon on it, black jeans, and black leather fingerless gloves. On her back was a long scythe, which had stars all over it. Her purple eyes were staring straight at Nightmare with determination.

"Hello, Nightmare." She greeted, smirking. Nightmare scoffed and leaned forward, glaring at the girl who interrupted his tantrum. "You have something for us, is that right?" He asked, getting up and walking up to the girl, who was a little shorter than him. She smiled and unhinged her scythe, making Nightmare on guard.

"Calm down, I'm only opening a portal." She stated, swiping the blade through the air, which created a portal. "Now because you have  a very short temper, imma make this quick." She stated, pulling out a box and laying it at her feet, the cloak surprisingly never getting in the way. "Cross, come 'ere." She stated, bringing out a little marker. 

Cross looked at Nightmare in confusion, and Nightmare shrugged. "Don't worry, dude. I'm not gonna kill ya." She said, grabbing Cross' scarf and pulling him closer to her, about 3 inches away from her face.

That made one tentacle lash out in a random direction, for some reason. Nightmare couldn't control it, even though he has control of these extra body parts.

She drew the marker in view, and swiped it across his chest. He yelled out as a large black and white mark was made, ruining the- 

Nightmare watched in awe as the white and black spread, completely changing his clothes. 

His scarf was taken control of, and a black little cover-up for his neck appeared, a symbol of a moon imprinted in it. The blackness spread, making a long cape(with fluff at the beginning) that almost went past his boots, which changed completely. His boots were tight on his feet, and no X's were draped across it. They were white. His pants were black and a belt with the engraving of a moon on it, just like the neck thing. His shirt was white, and a black strip went down it. His gloves were black and had X's on them. She grabbed the same marker and drew on the line down his right side of his face, making a thicker line and a moon on his right cheek. 

"how'd ya like it?" The girl asked, putting the top of the marker and tucking it in her cloak. Cross moved his arms and summoned his knife, moving it around too. "I now like working for Nightmare!" Cross exclaimed, jumping up and down like a fangirl. "Good, cause that was the hardest one to do." She said, turning to Nightmare. "Do ya wanna see my other designs for the others? Y'know, so ya don't kill me?" She looked laid back, almost like she wasn't in danger of getting killed.

Nightmare thought about it, and the excitment on Cross' face, before shrugging. "Cross seems to enjoy it, so why not." the girl smiled and took out some more markers.

"Let's do this."

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