The Attack

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Nightmare popped his neck, glancing at everyone, who all had serious faces. They had a plan, one that would surely work, and he knew.

He would get Cross back. It doesn't matter if he has to kill that angel bitch.

He would get Cross.


Ink's brush was probably his only weapon, even though he'd beat Error with it plenty of times. Error couldn't be a problem to get, but still. Sci was going to watch them fight, giving them heads up and stuff like that, which was really pathetic of him. The other Error would run to this 'DS Nightmare' and hide, which was the plan. Killer, Dust, and Horror would quite literally beat DS Ink's and DS Blue's asses. Nightmare actually gave them some sort of LV upgrade, which he never does. Everyone was taking this very seriously, even Dust, who would probably joke around about it if it wasn't for Blue being a hostage.

Nightmare knew that his other self would probably save them all, and he sent Cross a message. If he listened to it, he would be with the Meme Squad in no time (DS nightmare, Error, and Cross).

"Come on." Nightmare demanded, taking a step forward and pulling his hand out of his pocket, a soft blue glow coming from it. Traveling to different multiverses was about 7% harder for Nightmare, but this didn't bother him. 

He could feel the time and space ripped itself, just a bit, for them to travel. It was like ripping leather, almost slow and painful, but of course, being as powerful as Nightmare, it was no problem. (That was a lot of commas 0-0)

The portal opened, it marked with his signature brand, goop. he took one step into the portal, feeling himself almost being torn apart by the time-space difference. He'd done this a few times before, so the feeling was almost second nature.

But of course, when he stepped into the other side, everyone else was breathing hard and clutching their chests. Nightmare could feel the powerful being inside of that humongous castle, almost a copy of his, but bright ass yellow.

About a million weak presences were in this castle, most being in one little flat platform. There were a lot of weary auras there.

"Get up and get ready. They're coming." This was true, though. He could feel the panicked presences of the half emotionless painter, the slightly insane one, and him.

The only thing that comforted him at the moment was that he could not feel Cross anywhere near-

Another portal opened, and Nightmare stiffened. It could be rivalry, it could- "Geno? Reaper?" Ink asked his eyes two different colored question marks. "Sup. Why not help ya guys?" 

Reaper was still laid back. 

Nightmare rolled his eye and waved them over, Geno practically sprinting into DS Error on accident.

"Oh yeah, bad timing, but..." Geno whispered into  Ink's ear, making both eyes turn into exclamation marks and a wide smile to come to his face.

Nightmare knew exactly what this was, knowing that because both of them looked happy for once.

They were probably dating.

The yellow door smashed open and out spilled hundreds of people. 

Unknowing to everyone, Killer tensed and gripped his sleeves tighter, knowing he'd have to kill... it reminded him of it.

DS Dream emerged from the crowd, a pissed look on his face. "Where the fuck is Dream." Nightmare growled.

Dream was the only thing holding the multiverse in balance at the moment, the slight happiness coming from, guess who?

Geno and Reaper. 

Those two were literally the only thing holding the whole DT multiverse together.

DS Dream chuckled, the sword emerging from seemingly nowhere. "Oh Nightmare, you should know by now..."

Both DS Dream and Nightmare lunged at each other, both saying, "I DON'T CARE!"

Sparks flew, and no one could see the real battle about how fast they were moving. Dust and Horror wasted no time fighting the growing mob, soon joined by Geno.

Reaper and Ink stayed rooted to the spot, Ink glancing at DS Error every few seconds.

Then Ink found what he was really looking for. Glowing blue eyes, shoulder pads, how nice. DS Blue pretty much spiderman-ed out of the crowd, eyes locked on Ink with a smile that Ink knew well. "You get other me." INk whispered to the still reaper next to him.

Ink's paintbrush smashed into Blue's face, and the iconic Error strings disappeared for just a second.

Because this was Blue, but Error at the same time, he was weaker than Error, still having sanity left. So there was no amazing string tricks and a bit of hesitation, meaning Ink could strike.

By the time Reaper saw Ink, he was already hurtling at him with his paintbrush. That didn't change. Reaper thought, pulling his gaster scythe and lunging forward, metal and wood clashing.

No one really noticed the dark purple portal open up, nor the fact that at least 5 skeletons emerged. DS Nightmare was first, almost dropping his weapon at the sight of this battle. Then came Blue, desperately looking around for dust, which made his eye lights glow brighter seeing the dusty hoodie.

"Don't attack, yet," Cross whispered, stepping around his other and staring at the black and yellow fight, trying to Find nightmare in the mess.

Dream was clutching his arm, but he didn't care one bit. "Come on, Crossy.." He whispered, pulling him back from a knife being thrown. Cross refused to move, almost in a trance, still seeing the mix of colors...


Cross bent over, clutching his chest, where a knife was deeply embedded in. Blood was pouring out of the boney wound, it staining the white and black clothes with ease. Blood poured out of his mouth, him having to spit some outdo to him having to breathe. There was so much pain, like fire spreading through his chest, and through his mind.

He couldn't see, not a lot anyway, and everything was slightly blurred. He could see someone rush in front of him, and he could hear a yell, not someone from his side, anyway...

He had the strong impression to fall asleep, and he could almost feel cloud-like-things trying to take him away from this harsh ground.

This is what Chara and him both wanted from the beginning, wasn't it? Then why was he fighting it...

He could see something fly through the air, and black blurry circles run toward him.

He looked up, to see something waving around.


"I... I'm sorry..." He sputtered, coughing up more blood and looking down again.

He wanted... so hard.

To let go... But something more strong than that was urging him, begging him, to stay awake...

for just a little longer.

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