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Cross stood on the balcony, looking down at the few stories below him. This would surely kill him if he fell.

Do it, you disgusting piece of trash! Chara yelled at him, only for Cross to stay still.

He didn't want to commit suicide, he wanted to be happy somewhere. He wanted to see papyrus one more time before he'll die... He wanted someone to love him just like his papyrus did.

But that'll never happen.

No one really cares about him in the castle. Killer, Dust, and Horror might laugh, Nightmare would roll his eyes, Error would say something about being a glitch... 

He was not loved in the castle.

He was barely loved at home by an abusive parent.

He wasn't even loved by Chara.

SO here he stood, on the balcony that no one-

"AH!" Cross screamed as he was pulled back into someone's chest.

Quickly looking up, he could feel Killer's intense gaze. "Dude! What the fuck?!" Cross stood upright and smiled. "What? I was just trying to get the best view!" Cross quickly lied, but that did not bypass Killer.

"You were going to jump." Cross froze in place, terrified. 

Oh no, someone found out.

"I-it's not- Please don't tell anyone!" Cross exclaimed, and Killer sighed. "Fine. But you better not try that again." Cross nodded quickly.

He needed to do it when he was completely alone. Most preferably when Killer wasn't the-" Actually, I'm going to tell Nightmare-"

Killer ran off before he could say the rest.

"KILLER NO!" Cross screamed and ran after Killer.

If Nightmare found out...

Things would not end well. He'd probably get killed by Nightmare. 

Before Cross could reach Killer, the skeleton burst in the throne room and yelled, "CROSS TRIED T-" Luckily for Cross, he was tackled to the ground before he could finish the sentence. "Cross. Let him go." A look of pure terror was on the skeletons face.

Cross hesitantly let the skeleton go, and tried to run away somewhere Nightmare would not find him.

But he was held in place by a tentacle. 

"If this is so important, you are both staying here." Nightmare growled, fed up with Cross and Killer's antics. "Cross tried to commit suicide!" Killer exclaimed, and Cross' breath hitched. "N-Nightmare, I-I can explain!"

Nightmare's face was genuinely surprised, which did not happen a lot. 

"I thought I told you not to listen to Chara." Nightmare growled, and Cross nodded. "I-I'm sorry!" Kille cut in quickly. "Don't kill him! He needs therapy or something!"

Dust walked in, saw what was happening, and then backed up out of the doorway.

"I don't give a shit about 'therapy', Killer. You should know this by now." Cross sighed loudly and said, "Go ahead. Kill me. I don't care at this point."

Cross looked up at Nightmare with tears brimming his eyes. "Please..."

Nightmare's eye was really wide. "No. I need you alive." He set Cross down, along with Killer, and said, "Go away. Don't try anything like that a-again." 

They all had wide eyes.

Nightmare stuttered.

Holy fuck.


Blue was shivering in his sleep. The same nightmare would happen every night of his ex-abusive boyfriend, Edge. 

It was Underfell's papyrus

Every night, he would come home drunk and beat the shit out of blue, who hid it until Edge killed someone. 

He goes by X to some people. Or just Gaster.

Blue has had the same exact nightmare every night for the past 4 years...

Even in his sleep, he is suffering.


Nightmare clutched his head, a headache coming on. He knew when a headache came, he would have a nightmare about him killing everyone mercilessly. He didn't want to be evil anymore. He just wanted to be happy as his brother...

But that would never happen.

He was the 'evil brother'. He can never be happy...


Killer raised his sleeves, making four cuts on each hand precisely. He would say that the cat attacked him. 

Yes, he has a cat that he just uses for cutting excuses.

His mind went back to Cross. 

Why did he try and jump? His life is perfect. Sure, his world is dead, but he has us! 

Killer doesn't understand...

But he wants to.

( 710 words)

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