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"What happened?!" Ink exclaimed, bursting through the door to see Blue standing and better. "Oh! Buddy!" Blue exclaimed happily, giggling at Ink's confused face. Dust cringed at how well Blue was at acting.

"All I can remember is a lot of pain and then waking up to a scared Dream and Dust!" Blue hugged Dust's side and gave him a knowing look.

He knew that Dust knew it was a lie.

"He would have dusted if I didn't treat him!" Dream exclaimed, making Ink sigh in relief. "Thanks, Dream. And why are you here?" He motioned to Dust. "I found him and brought him to Dream. Thanks for including me, bud." He gave a slight glare to the positive skeleton.

Dream shrugged, a happy look on his face. "Anyways... I need to ask something." Dream frowned, pulling out his phone.

---(before Ink burst in)

Ink groaned, snuggling closer to the warmth in front of him. Wait...


Ink opened his eyes to see... A red shirt?

He looked up, only to see a sleeping...


He was snuggling with Error.

Ink shrieked and fell backward onto the floor. Error's eyes' snapped open and he too looked around...

He groaned and laid to where he was facing the ceiling, frowning.

The realization hit his face as he sat up and looked around the room, finally staring at Ink who was still on the floor. "D0n't @sk. y0u pull3d m3 1nt0 th1s, s0 d0n't th1nk 1 r@p3d y0u." He chuckled at his own words and held out a hand for the skeleton.

"You, aren't afraid?" Ink asked, motioning to the hand. Error chuckled and shrugged. "1 m3@n, wh2n y0u g3t tr@pp3d @s s0m30n3's t3ddy b3@r f0r @ n1ght 1t c@n d@mp3n 1t." 

Ink smiled and took the hand, getting pulled up surprisingly fast by Error's strength. "T3ll n0 0n3, g0t 1t?" Error frowned, getting off the bed and glaring at Ink playfully.

"Yeah, yeah..." Ink trailed off, seeing Error hop into a portal and give him a half-smile.

He gave one back.


"So you tell me... You and Ink are friends?"Nightmare raised an eyebrow at Error, who nodded. "1 kn0w, surpr1s1ng, r1ght? 1'm n0t 3v3n s@d @b0ut 1t!" He exclaimed, getting some chocolate and plopping next to Nightmare, who moved his tentacles out of the way.

"The fucking ship is coming true."Nightmare growled, glancing down at his coffee.

Error stiffened but smirked soon after. "@nd wh@t @b0ut y0u @nd Cr0ss?" He got glared at. "Nothing. I can't believe people can actually take that seriously! I don't-" He froze midsentence, a new feeling entering him for a split second.

But it was gone before he could identify it.

"Weird..."Nightmare grumbled, touching his chest while frowning. "Wh@t?" Error asked, leaning forwards a little. "I felt... something, there for a second. Something I haven't felt... ever." Error raised an eyebrow just as Cross came in.

"what's wrong now?" He asked, stealing Error's chocolate and taking a bite out of it before giving it back. 

He eyed the king's tentacles before smirking.

No one said anything else for a while when Cross went behind Nightmare to get some food.



A loud yelp rang through the air, causing Error to snap his head to Nightmare, who was covering his mouth.

Cross came into view, squeezing Nightmare's tentacle lightly while smirking. "Got it~."

Nightmare stared at the skeleton with an unreadable expression on his face. "L-let it g-go..." Nightmare mumbled, frowning.

Cross then understood what was happening.

he was in control.

Not nightmare.

Cross smirked and shook his head slowly, getting a growl out of Nightmare.

Nightmare couldn't really move, none of his tentacles could either.

Cross was so close to his 'sensitive area' as Dream would call it, he didn't want to risk anything. Cross looked baffled.

Were his tentacles this sensitive?

Error was just sitting back, an amused look on his face.

"C-cross... Let..."Cross' hand slightly moved towards it, making Nightmare's breath hitch. 

Cross glanced at the tentacle before smirking.

"Are you... sensitive?" Cross' smirk grew larger as he gripped.




Nightmare covered his mouth, a bright blush covering his face. Cross looked very happy. 

When Nightmare tried to reach out to Cross, he just started slowly rubbing that area.

Nightmare tried to ignore the feeling and tore the tentacle away from Cross, shivering.

Cross ran away, not able to feel Nightmare's wrath.

Error just burst out in glitchy laughter and banged his head on the table. Nightmare groaned and stated, "DON'T DO THAT!"

Error fell out of his chair.

"Y-y0u- CR0SS- H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@!!" Error exclaimed, teleporting away, hoping for him not to get slammed into a wall.

(HEHEHEHEHEHEE I kinda hater writing about that... sensitive stuff, but meh. :/)

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