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"Leave me alone, Dream." Ink grumbled from his bed, and he heard a sigh from outside the door. "Something is wrong, Ink! I care for you! Please! Or I will get someone who knows what's happening!" 

Ink got up, almost falling over in the process.

He needed to eat, but he didn't want to.

He didn't want to see Dream's sad face, he didn't want to worry anyone. But he already did...

"Don't get-" Ink leaned on the door in pain, but still stiffened up when he heard another voice...

"$0 why d1d y0u dr@g m3 fr0m my h0m3 unw1ll1ngly?" Ink growled. 


Shakily, Ink opened the door and walked out as normally as he would have, hiding the pain. "D-Dream... I said I'm fine. You didn't-"

His vision became extremely blurry, and his legs gave out from under him. 

"Ink!" Dream dived for his friend, but Error got their first.

Holy fuck... What did Dream and Blue do to him? And why do I care so fucking much?! Error thought to himself over and over but sighed. "Wh@t h@pp3n3d." Dream gulped and then shrugged, staring as Error picked Ink up.

"I-I don't know! I heard weird noises from the bathroom, and Ink ran to his room suddenly. I was trying to see what was wrong. Do you t-think he's p-poisoned?" The smaller skeleton shivered, and Error shook his head, glancing at the almost dead skeleton. 


Ink! Sans.

LV: ----


"Sh1t. H3'$ @lm0$t d3@d. W3 n33d $c1." Error quickly opened a portal and ran in. "$C1 Y0U M0th3R FUCK3R!" Error shouted, and Sci teleported in, holding his papyrus in his arms. "Error?! What the fuck happened to Ink?!"


"Okay, he should stay stable for a while. He hasn't had food in at least 8 days..." Sci stated, and Dream gasped. "b-But he eats! I-... no... He couldn't be..." Error sighed and leaned on the doorway. "H3'$ b33n thr0w1ng 1t up. But why?" The others shook their heads slowly. " Dr3@m, y0u n33d t0 m@k3 $ur3 h3 3@t$ n0rm@lly." Error demanded and opened a portal. "C@ll m3 wh3n h3 w@k3$ up."

he went through the portal, and back to the castle. 

"H3y N1ghtm@r3," Error spoke up, making he goopy asshole look up from his book. "Yeah?" These two are the only ones who aren't afraid of each other. Call them friends if you want. 

"@pp@r3ntly, 1nk'$ b33n thr0w1ng up f00d @ndn0t 3@t1ng."Nightmare laughed. "I know." 

Something stung Error's soul.


"Wh@t?! Y0u kn3w?!" Nightmare snickered and shook his head. "But it looks like you actually care for the little artist. Don't get comfortable, though." Error frowned.

He doesn't care for Ink!

That's insane.


Dust watched as Blue picked some flowers in the nearby field. 


The little happy bundle of joy interested Dust. His brother almost died, he almost died, and many more bad things happened to him, but he still has a real smile on his face.

If only he knew...

Blue suddenly stopped, and put down the flowers slowly. "Why..."

Dust frowned. "Why did you have to leave me..." His gloves turned into fists, and he gripped his skull, falling on his knees...

Dust noticed something...

Blue was crying.

"WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?!" Blue yelled and sobbed louder.

Who left Blue? From what dust heard about, Blue has everything perfect for him.

"Chara... Please..." Dust's grip around his hoodie tightened at the brat's name.

Oh, wait... Frisk is the Chara in Underswap. The thought caught Dust off guard. how could something like Chara be nice?!

Nonetheless, Dust continued to watch Blue cry silently, but then stopped as fast as he started, the smile returning to his face as he picked up the flowers.

Tears still fell from his eyes. "Chara. I miss you." Blue looked around him and walked a little in the field...


Was that a tombstone?

It was.

Chara Dreemur.

Age --

Died of cancer but Loved by every monster in the underground.

Dust's eyes widened as Blue put down the flowers, and then re-planted them in other spots. He was making a little garden of Chara's favorite flowers...

(there ya go! A little bit of Dustberry and Errink for ya! Depressing, but still. 0-0)

(705 words)

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