Welp. Let's do some... Crossmare? DEPRESSING CROSSMARE!! 0-0

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Nightmare groaned and clutched his head in pain, leaning forwards on his bed.

This was the second headache of the day, which meant he was going to have a great time in 'dreamland'...

It was more about nightmares to the skeleton.

"Ugh..." Nightmare groaned when he heard a knock on the door, and said, "Go away. I have a headache." 

The door opened anyway, and Nightmare moved to shove a tentacle at the person, only to stop 2 inches over him. "H3y! 1 h@v3 s0m3th1ng f0r y0ur h3@d@ch3, G33z!"

Nightmare looked up from his position and sighed at Error. "Is it some sort of medi-" 

He stopped midsentence when Error held up a bottle. "1 @sk3d Sc1, m0r3 l1k3 d3m@nd3d, t0 g1v3 m3 s0m3 p0t10n f0r y0ur h3@d@ch3." Error held out the bottle, which one of Nightmare's tentacles went around and pulled to the host quickly, who was sitting up cross-legged on the bed now. 

"Anything I should worry about?" Error shook his head. "H3 d1dn't g1v3 m3 @nyth1ng t0 w0rry @b0ut, 0th3r th@n h1s m3nt@l st@t3." Nightmare chuckled at this and started chugging the drink.

Hopefully, nothing major happened.

"Wow. This tastes like chocolate. That reminds me of Cross." Nightmare blurted out, making the two look at each other in confusion. "What was that? Why am I speaking what I just thought? Why did I think that-" Nightmare clapped a hand over his mouth as it continued to ramble things, but not being able to do words. ( forgot what the word was >--<)

"W0w, N1ghtm@re. 1 th0ught y0u d1dn't c@r3 @b0ut Cr0ss?" Nightmare growled at the glitchy skeleton and said, "I would say I don't but he almost committed suicide, which actually worries me." Nightmare groaned again and smashed his head into a pillow that he picked up.

"Th1s 1s h1l@r10us." Error said, and smirked.

"Wh@t 1s y0ur d33p3st 1ns1cur1ty?" Nightmare froze but began talking. "Well, I get Nightmare's every night, and that worries me. I don't want to be like this. I miss my brother... So much." 

Nightmare growled. 

He drank a truth potion. 

"I fucking hate Sci right now." Nightmare growled, and Error burst out in laughter. "0k@y, l3ts g3t y0u t0 Sc1 @nd t@k3 c@r3 0f y0u."


Ink giggled and pulled out the headache bottle that he swapped with sci. The nerdy skeleton said it didn't make him want to eat, so that may worry Dream. But, he's desperate.

Really desperate.

"INK!" The bottle was slapped away, and it broke on the floor. "NO!" Ink dived for the bottle but barely missed.

"Dream! WHY THE FRICK DID YOU DO THAT?!" Ink screamed at his friend, who kinda cowered away in fear. "Th-that could have b-been p-poison!" Ink growled and looked down to the floor again.

"Why can't this just end..." He murmured, and Dream hugged the skeleton. "I'm sorry, Ink. But you need to live. I couldn't live without you..." Dream let go, and held the other's shoulders roughly, but not too much to hurt him. "Please... Promise me-" 

Ink cut him off. 

"Sanses are hard to keep-" Dream sniffed, and yelled, "PROMISE ME!" Ink stared at his friend and smiled softly.

"I promise."

(Bleh. I'm really tired, and depression is crawling up my spine at this moment. I'm trying to fight it. I'm tired.

Oh. I already said that...)

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