#5 - The Drug Van

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It was Sunday night. Last chance to find a drug dealer before they would get there batch for the week. Joe was perched up on a building listening down trying to find anyone talking about drugs. It was starting to get late and Joe thought he had lost all hope then suddenly he saw a shady character waiting around on the street corner looking very suss.

Standing on top of a building a few down so as to not be seen by the sucpious man Joe waited for about five minutes. Suddenly a van pulled up and the man handed him a brown paper bag, in which he recieved a similar bag in return. Joe knew this must be his guy. The van sped away as quickly as it arrived but the Lynx was quick to follow. Like a cat he leaped and ran across the rooftop in pursuit of the drug van. He could see it driving along 22nd street and it appeared it was on its way to another delivery point.

Using parkour skills he learnt as a teenager Joe leaped from building to building, through balconies and up fire escapes. Finally the van got caught at a red light. Joesph lept from the rooftop hoping to get to it. But seconds after he lept the light changed and a bus took the spot where the van was seconds before. He landed with a thud on the roof of the bus. Apparently the bus driver didn't care or didn't notice he had an unexpected traveler on the roof and kept going. The van was in hurry though and was getting away for the slow moving bus.

Joe did some quick thinking and fired both battle claws which grappled onto the back of the van. Almost instantly pulling him off the roof and sliding along the road on his knees. Luckily the LYNX suit had large metal sheets built into the shins which protected him from the harsh surface of the road. He tried to retract his claws but the force of the car was taking its toll and he could only come in slowly. This meant he had to battle to stay on at all times.

As well as this the occupants of the van must've noticed him because the sound of machine guns rattled as he looked up to see a man leaning out the window firing at him. Joe slid to the other side to avoid the hammering bullets. The driver than turned a sharp corner which sent Joe flying to side and onto the footpath. Luckily there were no pedestrians but a tree got in between him and the van.

The wire got caught on the tree and sent him spinning around it. He had no choice but to detach the battle claws and he went flying away into a nearby park. Joseph finally came to rest after about 200 meters when he hit a bush. He was sore and injured but he could hear sirens and he had to get up and run.


Joseph crashed into his house looking like crap. He tore off the battle claws and LYNX suit to inspect himself. He was covered in cuts and bruises but it didn't look like he had any broken bones. He was sore and sorry when he crawled into bed. He would call in sick at work tomorrow, Sir would understand. He fell asleep almost instantley but his alarm seemed to come on right after that. He slammed his fist down turning it off. He grabbed his laptop off his desk and sent an email into work telling them he couldn't come in, then crawled back under the covers.


It wasn't until about midday that Joseph had enough strength to pull himself out of bed. He flicked on the news to see himself on tv.

"The Lynx was seen chasing down a van last night," the reporter said while footage taken by someone on their mobiles played. "It is not know why but after the Lynx came up half done he fled the scene. The police are looking for anyone who knows anything about the van or who might be driving it. If you see them do not approach as they appear to be dangerous."

Joe hung his head in shame, he'd let the suppliers get away, and they probably won't be so easy to track down this time. Joseph was still sore but since he had the day off used it to do some extra training. Mostly working his skills with the battle claws. Before he knew it was time to get his dinner and go to bed.


He had to work extra hard the next day to catch up on what he missed yesterday. He felt kind of bad for Kirra who had tried talking to him, but he was too busy to worry about her. He got a chance to chat to her on the elevator on the way back from lunch.

"Are you feeling any better," she asked him.

"Much better thanks," he replied, "Sorry about not getting a chance to chat I've just been really busy catching up from yesterday."

"Oh know, I understand your a busy man," she said, "By the way I didn't grab your number on Friday night."

"Oh of course," Joe replied. They exchanged numbers and were soon at their floor. They both walked into Joe's office but were suprised to see a man stad ing inside. Joe immediatley recognized hims as Mr Reager, the companies head of security.

"Mr Reager how may I help you," Joe asked cautiously. He knew that Mr Reager played a big role in Unity's 'other' affairs.

"I'd like to speak to you," he said, "privately." Joe looked at Kirra who immediatley left the room.

"What is this about," Joe asked.

"First off when discussing matters like this you must refer to me as Sarge," Mr Reager responded. Joe nodded. "Good, now I'd like to talk about what happened last night."

"What about last night," Joe replied.

"Who was in the van you were chasing?" Sarge asked.

"I thought Unity were going to get involved in my actions," Joseph said.

Sarge pulled a hand gun out of his belt, "We need to know that your not attacking people for your own personnel gain."

Joe put his hands up, "Alright, alright, they were a drug dealer. I've been tracking them for a while but I let them slip away."

Sarge put the gun away and left the room," Thank you Mr Moranto. Joesph acted cool but was quite startled by that experience. Did Unity not trust him at all. He didn't take much of a liking to Sarge either.


Joesph didn't know what to do with himself for the rest of the week. He continued going to work, but couldn't figure out how to get onto the drug dealers. He spent all his time either working or coming up with a plan but he still had nothing.

There was no way the drug dealers would even use the same method of getting the drugs to the dealers again. And even if he got onto one of the dealers they would never tell him. He would have to figure this one out on his own. Or did he. He opened up his computer and started typing up an email to Sir.

"I have been tracking down a group of drug smugglers for a while now. On Sunday night I had a run in with them but unfortunatley they got away. I would like to ask for some assistance in tracking them down that you offered the other week."

It didn't take long for a reply to come through but wasn't exactly what Joseph was looking for.

"We would like to help you but we need something in return. We've been having a few issues with some people in your area if you can track a suspect down and bring them to a secure location we will give you the information you need. If you do not accept we cannot help you. If you choose to accept we will send you a name and location on Friday night at 9 o'clock."

Joseph thought about their agreement. He didn't want to have to run around and do Unity's dirty work for them, but he didn't have anyother choice. He agreed to the mission hoping he'd made the right choice. Anyway how hard could it be.


Somewhere in Egypt...

"You were put to shame by that loser in a costume," Phobias said.

"I am sorry master," Machete replied.

"We will train you back up to strength and you will return and defeat this so called hero," Phobias said.

"But master, he is so strong," Machete questioned.

"No force on heaven or Earth," Phobias started, "Can overcome a master of Cya, such as myself. And if that's what it takes, then so be it." Phobias threw two machetes on the ground infront of him. "We start straight away."

*Look out for the next episode 'No One's Indestructible' coming out next week*

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