#22 - Bloodbath

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It was about 8 o'clock on Sunday night when Joe's phone buzzed in his pocket. He lifted it up to see a notification he hadn't seen before. He unlocked his phone and entered the application.

He suddenly realized it was the app that installed itself when he synced his phone with the computer at his hideout. He had a notification: 'Machete spotted on 33rd Avenue'. This was urgent.

"Ahh, honey," Joseph called out, "That was Mr Rufereberg he needs me in the office for something."

"But it's Sunday night," Kirra started, "Can't it wait till morning."

"He says it's urgent," Joe replied.

"Fine." Joe walked up to her and gave her a kiss goodbye before grabbing his keys and leaving. He hopped in his car and sped down the street to his secret hideout. He then leaped out of his car and bounded down the path. When he got to the rock wall he tapped the digits in and the wall disapeared. Joe quickly changed before leaving for 33rd Avenue.

As usual he pulled up a block short and ran the rest of the way. When he got there, there was a police perimeter set up around a 50 by 50 foot area. The police made a gap as the Lynx approached and he saw the Machete holding a young girl at knife point with his machete. Jospeh walked into the circle and the police reorganized themselves.

"Ahh, Lynx we meet again," Machete greeted him. Joe remained silent but looked at the girl trying to figure out a way to get her away from the madmen. Machete noticed this and replied with, "Oh, she's not really important, just to keep the mutts away," he said gesturing to the police surrounding him.

"Then what is your game," The Lynx called out.

"Well, if you really want to know," Machete started, "I have 5 people, who they are isn't important but they are good at what they do. As we speak they are approaching the retirement village two blocks down. They will murder everyone there if you don't stop them."

Joseph was shocked this man was pure evil. "You may want to get a move on, every second you waste is someone's life." Joe didn't need a second invitation, he sprinted down the street in the direction of the retirement village.

As he began running his super speed kicked in and he was there in a flash. He could see a black car pull up and five men all dressed in black walk out. Joe knew they must be his guys so with out stopping he slammed his shoulder into a man in the line, he was a rough looking man probably only about twenty five. He went flying back into the brick wall.

"Psych!" One of the guys behind him called out. At first Joseph thought this was a joke but realized that it was the man he had hits name. Joe turned back around to face the gang. Two of them had ran inside while the other an Asian man and an older man where standing there read to attack.

"Shi, do your worst," the older man said to the Asian man before running inside after his friends. Instantly the Asian man charged at the Lynx attacking him. He spun into a spiral kick, which Joe just got out of the way of to land a punch flat on the mans chest. His metal fist and increased strength pushed the man back a few meters but it seemed to have no effect on the man, attacking Joe once again.

Suddenly a gunshot rung out from the building followed by a chorus of terrified screams. Joe realized this was no time to hold back before Shi could attack again he fired his left battle claw at his face. It was a perfect hit, it latched into his skin with a slice and Joe pushed him onto the ground. The man was obviously in pain but not even a whimper escaped from his lips.

Joseph left him and ran inside after his buddies. It seemed Psych had been knocked out cold from the first meeting. As he ran down the hallway towards the sounds of screams all the lights in the street suddenly flickered out.

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