#13 - Brothers in Arms

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Joseph landed his fist on the centre of the punching bag as hard as he could for what seemed like the millionth time today. Turns out that punch was the straw that broke the camels back. The punching bags constraints buckled under the pressure and the bag went flying back impacting the wall with a thump.

This was the third punching bag this month he'd destroyed. He was really going through them fast. Thg funny thing was that he didn't even use the humanoid bionic system when he was training. If he did he'd be able to punch straight through them.

The reason he trained so hard though was because every time he punched the bag, he imagined punching the maniac that killed his parents. He remembered him like he was standing infront of him. The other men there all wore masks but not like his. Him was different.

It was wooden probably American-Indian. The eyes were blood red and wear the mouth was were a pair of massive fangs. The police never found out who the man in the mask was. That was the worst part he could have been part of the crew that were arrested. Or he could still be out there. Joe had no idea of knowing.

That was why tonight's raid was so important there was a chance that one of the brothers that he was going to take down tonight could be the man in the mask. And even if they weren't at least he was getting them off the streets and we're they belong.


Over at Kirra and Tegan's apartment, they were having a girls night. They lay in blankets all rolled up on the couch watching a chick flick.

"So how are things with you and Joseph going," Tegan teased.

"Great actually," Kirra replied silencing her immature friend.

"So," Tegan said nervously, "You guys done it yet."

"Tegan," Kirra barked. "We've been going out for 6 months."

"So yes," Tegan giggled.

"Like you and Greg haven't," Kirra replied.

"I don't know, I just always see you as being such a good girl," Tegan said.

"So I'm not a good girl anymore," Kirra laughed.

"No it's just weird," Tegan replied.

"Whatever," Kirra started, "So what's your boyfriend like anyway."

"He's tall and handsome. And really strong," Tegan said. "I like them like that."

"Joseph's strong as well," Kirra came back.

"Not like Greg," Tegan said. "You'll understand when you meet him."


This was one of Joe's most important night out. This drug ring was probably small time but it still meant something to him. He got suited up and headed off to Bayview street. The road ran along the water for almost 10 miles and was a nice, peaceful neighborhood. But not tonight.

The house was just as the drug haggler had described it last night, small but nice. The street was lit up in light so Joe had to find another way to the house. There was a small park on the waters edge a few hundred meters back. Jospeh parked there then made his way to the water behind the houses until he reached his address.

Once he got to there house it looked pretty ordinary. The lights were on in the kitchen and he could see through the glass sliding doors at the back into their house. He half thought that he had gone to the wrong house but it was the same address that the drugo had given him so it must be.

He crept up to the house as silently as he could and peered through the windows. There didn't seem to be anyone home but the lights were on so they couldn't be far. He tried to slide the glass door open but found it was locked. He slipped a claw into the lock and after a few moments of fidgeting with it the door slid open.

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