#25 - The Aftermath

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Michael Ruferberg watched from his office as he controlled the fleet of scopters that hovered above the city. The problem with Machete had gone too far, if the Lynx couldn't beat him tonight he was ready to take him out. He watched the epic battle unfold and when the Lynx seemed to be down and out as his enemies boot was about to hit his skull he had his finger on the kill switch.

But then somehow he came back from certain defeat. And in an instance the battle had completely shifted and the Lynx had won, or so he thought. Then he slumped to the ground. Immediatley Sir ordered one of scopters to swoop down and provide medical attention to him as well as bring him back to Unity.

Sir waited around to make sure the scene was clear before ordering in the rest of the fleet back to their base. It was an anxious few minutes wait until the scopter with the most important task, touched down on the rooftop. Instinctively Sir made his way to the roof to meet them.

As soon as the aircraft landed two men rushed out bringing the Lynx on a bed off with them.

"How is he," Sir called out.

"Stable but he's going to need urgent medical treatment," one of the officers called back. They rushed him into the elevator positioned in the centre of the roof and Sir piled in after them.

This elevator was one that stopped at very few floors. Very few people knew about this elevator. According to all the floor plans and skematics it did not exist. But what it unlocked existed even less. The lift dropped down floor after floor, even past the basement. Until it reached the sub-level under the basement.

This room was one of the most important in the building. It functioned as a bunker for any agents in Rayn City, as well as other reasons but the reason they needed it today was for the fully equipped medical centre.

The crew rushed the Lynx into the by where two doctors immediately they jumped onto him and began doing their stuff. All Sir could do was stand back and hope for the best. He figured it would be a long night so he went up to his office and went on with his work.


The last thing Joe remembered was falling to the ground and seeing a bright light come towards him. He thought he was dead.

He slowly regained consciousness and tried to figure out where he was. He looked around and could se clean white surface as well as medical equipment. He must be in some hospital. Then he realized something he wasn't wearing his mask. He tried to sit up in an effort to find out what was happening to him.

Then a soft voice from the corner of the room spoke to him, "Joseph just rest." He looked into the corner and was happy to see a familiar face.

"Miss. What happened?" Joe asked.

"You lost a lot of blood from the stomach wound given to you by Machete. Unity brought you here for medical attention, don worry no one knows your secret," Miss Canter replied.

"How long have I been out for?" Joe added.

"The whole night," Miss replied calmly.

"The whole night! Kirra must be worried sick!" Joe freaked out.

"Yes I think she is," Miss said holding up Joe's phone to show 14 missed calls from his girlfriend. She threw Joseph his phone who immediatley opened it and started texting Kirra.

'Hi sorry I didn't call having a rough night I'll be home tonight :)'

He'd have to find a really good excuse to get out of this one.


That night as Joe walked into his house just like he had every other day Kirra rushed into his arms and embraced him tightly. Joseph was in serious pain but masked it as to not alert attention to himself.

"Honey I was so worried about you," Kirra cried.

"Don't worry I'm fine," Joe lied.

"Where have you been?" she asked.

"Umm, a close friend past away, and I was just having trouble getting to grip with things," Joe made up again.

"Aw, poor thing. Could you maybe call next time," Kirra laughed.

Joe chucked back, "Of course sweaty." It was pretty late so the pair headed off to bed. While Kirra slept peacefully beside him, Joe sat wide awake. He couldn't sleep. He couldn't shake the fact that so many had died because of him.

The 53 elderly in the nursing home. The mayor of Rayn City. Kris! Even Machete died because of him. Would the world ever accept the Lynx again.

The next day...

"Fellow citizens. We gather here today to mourn the death of our cities masked vigilantie the Lynx," the man said speaking to a crowd of thousands. "Some may say he was not the original. Some call him a copycat. But as your new mayor, Grant Seaford, I ask us to come together to show our love for a man who gave his life for the safety of others. And I ask you to pray, for the man who is still out there, defending the defenceless. Thank you."

There was a thunder of applause from the crowd to there now mayor. "Thank you Mayor Seaford," the MC started, "Now if you would like to come and pay your respect to the dead, now is your time."

"Would you like to go up," Kirra asked Joe.

"I'd just like to stay here actually," Joe replied. He'd told Kirra this morning that his friend Kris Kurt, whom he'd gone to college with had died, and turned out to be the Lynx's copycat.

Joe just waited at the back with Kirra just thinking about things. He had been the one who had gotten Kris involved and he had died because he was unable to save him.

Kirra drove Joe home and asked him, "Joe are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Joe replied.

"Because I feel like your keeping something from me," Kirra said.

"Why would you think that?" Joe asked.

"You've just been acting weird all the time lately," Kirra replied.

"I think it's all over now."


On top of the Unity building Sir, Miss, and Sarge were having a secret meeting. There was an awkward silence all across the room.

"How is the Lynx doing Miss?" Sir asked partly just to break the ice.

"Quite well," Miss started, "He is not fuly recovered but appears to be concealing it well."

"And how is he dealing with Copycats death," Sarge asked.

"Not as well," Miss replied.

"Well at least the situation with Machete is over," Sarge said.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Sir added.

"Machete is dead Sir," Sarge started but was cut off.

"But Phobias is not," Sir cut in. There was a brief pause in conversation.

"Sir I propose we send in a team to take down Phobias," Sarge said.

"I have told you time and time again Phil," Sir started, "They are not strong enough."

"They have are much stronger," Sarge said, "And after all it's just one man."

"Do you really think he is alone!" Sir yelled. There was a brief moment of silence among them, "Sarge I want you to put a team together."

"What type of team?" Sarge asked.

"Go to Base Camp and personally pick out a group," Sir started, "You will be there commander, take the more extreme incidents. If they do a good job I'll consider taking down Phobias."

"Thank you Sir," Sarge said then got up and left.

*There you have it that marks the end of the event. In two weeks episode 26 will come out and I'll return to publishing once a week. But before then something new is coming. That's right next Sunday will be the premiere of A-Unit, and for those of you who haven't guessed yet it will follow Sarge's new team that he puts together to combat rising threats. They will be a team full of super-powers fighting against people like themselves every week. I really like it and I hope you do as well so I'll keep you posted.*

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