#2 - L.Y.N.X

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Joseph sat in his home outside of New York City. If there was a drug trade going on in New York he knew who must be behind it. The same man who had got Jacob involved, and had now ruined his life. Ross Zambino.

He couldn't go straight away and take him down. He has nothing on him. And the organsiation would keep running. He needed to bring the whole organisation down.

If he was going to go up against a drug smuggling operation they would go up against him as well. He'll need more than just a balaclava. And Joseph knew just what he needed.

The next day...

The development division made hundreds of contraptions a year many that were never used. Under the building was where all the archives were kept. Joe decided to take a trip down there. The room was filled with rows and rows of prototype gear. He found what he was looking for but he couldn't just take it. He would have to return and steal it.

Joseph returned to his office and went back to his day monitoring research in his unit. While seeming to be occupied on his job he was actually thinking up his plan on breaking into a security companies building. It wasn't going to be easy. Unity were the best in the business at keeping things safe. First you had to get past the doors which are normally activated by ID badges but after hours the guards check you out. Then downstairs is fitted with state of the art security cameras that will pick up any movement and sound the alarm. If the alarm sounds the whole building locks down in less than a minute. Even if he gets to the crates that contain what he is looking for as soon as they leave the room the alarm will sound. Plus the whole building is constantly patrolled by guards. A near impossible mission.

That night...

Joseph had waited until he knew all the workers but the guards would be out of the building. It was around 11 o'clock and it would have been pitch black outside if it wasn't for the street lights. He had edited his badge so it still had his face and name but a different code so it would come up on the guards database as someone else later.

He reached the guards office, "Hey boys just left my phone in my office," Joseph said. The guard looked at his ID badge and let him through. Joseph scanned his badge on the door which unlocked and registered a Mr Jacob Limo entering the building. He went straight for the second elevator at the back where the guards couldn't see him.

Once he was in he pushed out the roof boards and got on top of the elevator. He reached into his bag and pulled out his balaclava and laptop. When they elevator came to a stop he pulled some wires off the mainframe of the elevator and plugged in his computer. He went about scrambling over the keys to disable the security cameras. Once he was in he jumped back into the elevator making sure the door was jammed open and went about looking for his equipment.

The first crate was located towards the back so he grabbed one of the trolleys and rushed over to it. He loaded off the shelves and into his cart, then whizzed off again. The other crate was in a more secure area in the corner. He managed to get to it using his pass to get through the door. Once he grabbed it he rushed back to the elevator and closed the door. As soon as he got out of the elevator with the equipment he would have less than a minute to get out.

The doors opened he checked to make sure there were no guards nearby and slipped on his balaclava. He made a run for it. As soon as the cart exited the elevator a booming alarm sounded. As he ran for the fire exit he could hear the guards yelling. He pushed at the door hoping it wouldn't be locked.

Thankfully for him it wasn't he burst out the door, hearing the auto lock go off behind him. His car was parked a few meters away and he quickly loaded everything into the back before driving off.

The Lynx Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now