#9 - Secure Affairs

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Either the dealers were too scared to come out or they were being extremely sneaky about, because Joe had been perched on this rooftop for almost two hours and not seen anything. He decided to call it a night and headed back home.

He hadn't seen anything even drug related since he chased the van and came off second best. That was 4 months ago. He was getting worried, and seriously considering taking up Sir on his offer. But he couldn't. Even if he tried Blake Leroy would aniahlate him. It wasn't even an option.

The fact that Unity were withholding the information from him made it even worse. He made it home and went straight to bed hoping he'd have better luck tomorrow.


Meanwhile another secretive meeting was occurring in the head office of Unity. Mr Ruferberg paced back and forth looking out the window.

"Sir maybe it would be best if we gave the information to the Lynx," Sarge started. "I mean it's not all that much anyway."

"Phil you have been a loyal employee for as long as I can remember I ask that you trust me once again on this," Sir replied.

"But Sir," Miss Canter said, "He does not seem like he is ever going to go after Blake Leroy. And he does seem eager to take down Ross Zambino's crew."

"Miss, if we give him the information he will expect us to give him all the information," Sir said. "Just leave it alone. Does anyone have anything else to talk about."

"Yes Sir," Sarge started, "We have tracked down Machete."

"Excellent, where is he," Sir asked.

"We spotted him robbing a bank in Cairo with this man," Sarge said as an image appeared on the screen. "E-Squadron is already on their way."

Sir started at the blurred image on the screen, "Call them back!"

"Sir-" Sarge started.

"They are not strong enough to take down that man," Sir said pointing to the man on the screen. "Let me guess they killed everyone in the bank."

"Yes but-" Sarge said.

"No, get them out," Sir interrupted.

"Perhaps we could send in A-Squadron," Miss Canter suggested.

"No, none of our teams are capable of bringing him down," Sir replied. "You don't understand, that man and anyone associated with him is dangerous."

"What about Machete," Sarge asked.

"We can only hope he doesn't return for a second bout with the Lynx," Sir said. "And if Phobias returns with him, god help us."


Joe layed on the bench pressing 80kg on the bar. He pushed it up and locked it in place before sitting up. He wiped himself down and went to make a smoothie. He switched on the tv and grabbed his drank as he sat down.

"It appears the dangerous Machete, later identified as Caesar McMillion escaped prison in the US and shown up in Egypt. He was identified robbing a bank with an unknown accomplice. The duo stole over a million dollars and murdered all the employees of the bank who were there at the time," the reporter said.

Joe shook his head. The authorities were useless. The Machete probably wasn't in Unity's secure facility but he still should have stayed there. And now he's killing more people.

He planned on staying home today and then going out on another patrol tonight. But until then he didn't have much to do. Kirra was away visiting her parents for the weekend so Joe decided to just sit down and watch a movie.


It was time for the Lynx to stalk through the night once again. Joesph drove over to a different area that he hadn't patrolled before hoping to break his bad luck streak. The rooftops were a bit higher here and he had to propel up to the top. There was a popular nightclub nearby that Joe was keeping an eye on for his perch.

There didn't seem to be any drug addicts there but just before Joe was about to move on there was a poorly dressed man thrown out. The man honestly looked quite stoned. He crossed the road and stumbled down the alleyway for a few minutes Joe waited until he was out of view from the club than leaped down to the man.

The man was so unaware that Joesph landed a few feet behind him and he didn't even notice. As silent as a mouse Joe pushed the man up against the alley wall and covered his mouth. Once he was sure the guy wasn't going to scream he released his hand over his mouth.

"Woh dude," the drugo said, "Your the Lynx!"

"What drugs have you been taking," Joe said with his altered voice.

"I've always wanted to meet you man, your like my hero," the drugo replied.

Seeing that this wasn't going anywhere Joe tried a new tactic, "Listen I need your help, can you help me."

"Woh, The Lynx needs my help," the drugo said. "Of course I can dude."

"Ok I need you to tell me what drugs you are on," Joe asked.

"Aww dude," the drugo said, "You want some, I can get you some."

"Where do you get the from," Joea sled intrigued.

"Look I'm not ment to tell people but you seem pretty cool so I'll tell you," the drugo said.

"Thanks man," Joe replied.

"So my suppliers works out of an old underground car park on 52nd street," the drugo said.

"What do you get from there," Joe asked.

"Mostly cocaine," the drugo replied. That was exactly what he had found on the docks that day. Joe propelled up to the rooftop leaving the man alone in thg alley. It was pretty late but Joe would sus out the area tonight then comeback tomorrow.

It was a decent hike over to 52nd and he was getting tired by the time he got there. Anyone walking past would think it was just an abandoned car park, but from Joes vantage point he could see the whole picture. Down the ramp there were two well armed men no doubtably defending the stronghold from him. Also there was a light on in the back which must have been the office.

It looked pretty heavily guarded as the guards all had machine guns. Joe wasn't sure he could take it down. Of course there would be more guards inside and a bullet wound would be really hard to explain to Kirra. This was the only lead he'd gotten in months though. Could he risk his own life?


Julian Deckall sat in his fortified office comfortably. He knew he was safe from the Lynx. He had more than a dozen heavily armed guards protecting him. Not that he needed them though he was sitting in a concrete bunker while the sales went on around him. And if all else failed he had a sentry gun positioned in the middle of lobby to let people know what they were dealing with. Fully operational of course. He wished the Lynx would show up.


Joseph was weighing up his options. He had one and only one lead. Which involved a heavily guarded facility. Joe had trained to takedown armed men, but not from a distance. He had no idea what was inside that place.

He may as well take up Unity's offer. But he couldn't do that. Blake Leroy was too strong he wouldn't fair a second even with his humanoid bionic system. And then he'd be out of action for another few months. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

There was nothing he could do. His fight to rid the city of these criminals seemed futile. There was only so much one man could do. Joe headed back home. Feeling as if his fight was over. He had lost.

He had failed the city. He had failed himself. And worst of all he had failed his parents.

(Look out for the next episode *Calling it a Day* coming out next week as usual)

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