#1 - The Begining

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Joseph Maranto was like any other man. He grew up in the country and had come to Rayn City to try and hit it big. He had landed himself a job in the mail room of the biggest security company in the world, Unity. They sold everything from padlocks to armored cars. They even had a development division. Joseph knew he had a long way to go and was currently renting an apartment in the south side. He needed to work his way up quickly because he could barely afford to pay his rent on what he was earning.

3 years later...

Joseph had made one of the fastest rises to power ever. Within 3 years he had gone from the mail room, to being in charge of the research division. He had moved out of his shabby apartment and was living in a moderate house just outside the city and was only 15 minutes from his office. He was hoping to upgrade again in the next few years as his salary was increasing at a steady rate.

"Mr Maranto, there's a Mr Zambino here to see you," his secretary told him. Joesph knew who Mr Zambino was. He owned the mining company, Belvoil, across the road from Unity, and he was one of the richest people in the world.

"Send him in," Joseph replied.

"Good morning Mr Maranto," a voice said. Joseph turned around to see a 50 year old man with a bit of balding beginning. He reached out and shook his hand.

"How may I help you today Mr Zambino," Joseph asked.

"Please, call me Ross," he replied. "I just wanted to see the next big thing." Joseph smiled to himself. "It's not everyday a man like you comes along."

"Well, I work very hard," Joseph started, "Much like you."

"Thank you, but it took me 40 years to get my company where it is today. You have risen halfway to the top in a few years," Ross said. There was a brief silence followed by, "Have you ever met your boss."

"Mr Ruferberg," Ross nodded, "On occasion."

"What do you think of him," Ross asked.

"He is a good man."

"Trust me, I have known him for years, he is not what you see," Ross said. Joseph expression turned to confusion. "Are you interested in making money, or do you actually care about making the world a better place."

Joseph thought for a moment, "I joined Unity to help the company help others. Money came next."

"That is all I wanted to know," Ross said as he stood up and left. Joseph was left confused about what just happened. A few minutes after he left Joseph decided to follow him. As he went down the glass exile armor he was expecting to see him leaving the building bu instead he saw him enter the security guard decision on the third floor. He stopped the elevator and got out. Ross Zambino walked into the head of the divisions office where he could no longer see him. Joseph hopped back in the elevator as to not get caught.

He went back on his day as if nothing had happened but couldn't help think about Ross Zambino and his mysterious visit. 'He is not what you see'. That is what he said about Mr Rufereberg. Around an hour before his lunch break he dialed the security guard division on his mobile.

"Hello, this is Mr Limo," the phone answered.

"Hi Jacob it's me," Joseph said.

"Hey Joe, haven't spoken in ages," Jacob replied.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for Lunch today."

"Sure I'll meet you at the cafe downstairs in an hour," Jacob said.

"Great, see ya there," Joesph agreed.

"Bye," Jacob said before hanging up. Joseph didn't know what he was going to do when he met Jacob Limo, but he wanted to know if he had the same strange conversation. Joe counted down the time before he could go on his lunch break and get this itch off his back.

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