#15 - Some Midnight Banking

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Work had been piling up lately and Joe was the last one left in the office late on night. It was about 11 o'clock when the head of security on his level Jason Borne almost made him go home and get some sleep. After being threatened to get kicked out, Joe finally went downstairs and headed home.

When he got there he planned on just heading straight to bed but he turned on the news just to check up on what was going on. That was probably a mistake.

"There is a hold up at the national bank this evening, where 4 heavily armed men in balaclavas have broken in and are trying to rob the bank. Police have the place surrounded but the criminals are threatening to fire upon anyone who enters," the reporter said.

Joe was tired but he had an urge to investigate this dilemma so he grabbed his suit and headed off to the national bank. He parked a few blocks away than headed off to the rooftops as usual. As he approached the buildings surrounding the bank he noticed that several snipers were set up on the rooftops guns pointed at the doorway.

Joe decided to ignore them so he sprinted along the rooftop running right past one of the SWAT officers and leaped off the building crashing through a window on the second floor. The SWAT officers were so suprised they didn't even move and by the time Joe was in the bank it to was too late.

Joe landed in an office and after brushing the glass off of himself he silently headed off to take care of business. He checked down the corridor before creeping down he hallway. The end was about 10 meters away and Joe could hear voices coming from what he expected was downstairs.

"Aww shit, Dave what are we gonna do," one voice said.

"Just keep watch on the door Loz," Dave called back, "Let me handle that." Joe was now at the end of the hallway and poked his head around the corner. He was right and the voices were downstairs. On the second floor there was a balcony that went all the way around overlooking the lobby which was where the criminals were.

One of the men were sitting behind the counter, with a machine gun pointed towards the door. The other two men he could faintly hear talking somewhere else.

"How's it going guys," Dave yelled.

"We're gettin' there but where gonna need some more time," a voice called back. Joesph was assuming all men were armed with a machine gun and he had to act very carefully. Plans began spinning around in his head about how he was going to figure this out. It wasn't going to be easy. But it was too late to back out now.

He spun around the corner out of cover so he was overlooking the balcony. This was the hardest part. Joe fired the battle claws down towards Loz, who was focused on the doorway and not paying attention to upstairs. He had aimed them to snatch his machine gun right out of his hands.

The shot was aimed perfectly but at the last minute he turned and instead the claws hit the side of the weapon deflecting off. Loz turned around just in time to see the battle claw infront of him. Joe quickly retracted them and dove for cover. Just in time as a clatter of bullets landed on the wall beside him.

"Guys we got a big problem!" Loz called out.

"What is it?" Dave said running to Loz's side.

"The Lynx!" Loz shrieked.

Dave's face went white, "Guys forget about the money we gotta get out of here right now!" He called out to the other guys. They each picked up tere machine guns and ran out to join the others.

"So what's the plan" a voice said.

"I'm still working on it," Dave yelled, "Umm, Max go up there and take out the Lynx."

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