#18 - A Few Old Friends

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On the top floor of Unity another secret meeting was taking place between the usual suspects; Mr Rufereberg, Miss Canter, and Mr Reager.

"Sir the analysis of Kris Kurt is back," Sarge said.

"And?" Sir asked.

"He's been placed as a level one threat," Sarge had now reading off the paper infront of him. "Combat rating of 5, intelligence 3, speed 3, strength 2, and stability 4."

"Stability 4?" Sir questioned.

"Yes Sir," Phil replied.

"Well there is no need to take him out at least," Sir said. He was replied with by silence.

"Joseph and Kris were seen together last night," Miss said. "That might get the authorities off the Lynx's back."

"Maybe, but how will they tell the difference between the good Lynx and the bad one," Sir asked. "Continue monitoring him until further notice."

"Yes Sir."


Joe said goodbye to Kirra as he left her apartement. It was about 9 and Joseph thought he would go out to enjoy the nightlife a bit. He picked up his gear from home then headed off to his usual area.

He sat perched on a rooftop of busy street for what needed like hours with no activity. It was boring but good as crime was at least on the down. He decided to move on to a different area one he hadn't patrolled before.

Once again he sat on the rooftop waiting to spring into action at any moment, when all of a sudden a white van drove down the road. Joe couldn't believe his eyes it was the same white van he had chased down a few months ago after he saw it drop off some drugs. He began following it, leaping across rooftops to catch up.

After a few minutes it stopped and parked down a dark alley. Joe knew this was going to be his best shot at taking it down. He grappled one of his battle claws to the roof and slowly descended down silently.

Once Joe was a few meters off the ground he released his grapple and fell to the ground landing perfectly with out a sound. It looked like the van was waiting for their customers to show up. He knocked on the side of the van waiting for a response. A few seconds later the door opened and standing there was a middle-eastern man frozen in shock.

Joseph quickly punched the man in the face knocking him out with the steel claws. It seemed there wasn't anyone else in there so Joe sussed it out. Their wasn't much in the van, jus bags full of drugs and hidden under the seat was a gun. Joe needed the police here but didn't have his cell phone on him so instead grabbed the gun and fired it at the tyre, both incapacitating the vehicle and alerting passers by that something was going on.

Quickly and silently Joe ascended to the rooftops and waited there until the police arrived. He then watched as they slowly approached the car to find the man knocked out and drugs everywhere. They would have had to know the Lynx was involved.

By the time Joseph was home the story was already on the news. They were saying that the Lynx took down a major player in the drug market. He felt pretty good about himself. It had been a while since he'd done something to try and take down Ross Zambino's drug ring and he hoped this would help even a little.


Unfortunatley the Lynx's doings was not the major story that night something much more terrifying was going on on the other side of the city that he was unaware of.

It had been six months since Caesar McMillion left the city with his master. He had spent all of his waking hours training for the ultimate test. To bring down the one who had humiliated him infront of the world. He wasn't just going to kill him either, he was going to burn his city to the ground.

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