#28 - Parkour

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Joseph sat across from Kirra at their lunch table. Their was an awkward silence between them as no one knew how to start the conversation.

Finally Joe plucked up the courage and said, "So how has your weekend been?"

"Yeah good," Kirra replied. "You?"

"Yep same," Joe said. This small talk was just making things even more awkward.

"Joe I'm sorry how I acted the other night, I shouldn't have questioned you like that," Kirra said finally addressing the elephant in the room.

"No I was the one out of line, I should have come to you as soon as I had a problem," Joe started. "It's just all been so much lately."

"I know what you mean," Kirra replied. "If it's all right with you, I'd like to comeback to the house."

"Of course, it has seemed so lonely there without you," Joe answered. The pair ate there meals while chatting then left.


Things with Kirra mended pretty quickly and before long everything was back to normal. It had been almost a week through since he'd been the streets had had a taste of the Lynx and he was dying to get back into it.

His chance finally came on Saturday night when Kirra went out with her old friends from college for some drinks. If Joseph knew her they'd be out real late so he had plenty of time. He swung past his hideout to grab his gear then headed off to the east side.

Once there he perched himself across the road from the train station to try and stop any petty criminals red handed. It didn't take long for something to come up. A man in a hoodie pushed his way throw a busy crowd like he had somewhere to go. He was good. It would've been almost invisible to anyone walking by. But Joseph's birds-eye view gave him the upper hand.

As he brushed past a woman who was obviously very intoxicated he snatched her handbag from her shoulder. She was to wasted to notice but Joseph picked it up loud and clear. The man hurried off through the crowd with no knowledge that the Lynx was stalking him. Eventually he pulled out of the crowd and onto the street. He thought he'd made the perfect getaway until the Lynx fell out of the sky and landed right infront of him.

"End of the line pal," Joe said through his deep distorted voice. Usually the intimidation would do the job but this kid must've been pumped up on adrenalin because as soon as Joe appeared he ran for it. And he was fast as well. Before Joe could even let off his batte claws he'd found his way into a back alley.

Joe quickly ran after him but the humanoid bionic system didn't give him great acceleration and therefore over the short distance he was just as good as a normal person. The man he was chasing though, didn't act like a normal person. By the time Joseph had rounded the corner he was already halfway down the alley and sitting on top of a wire fence.

Joe fired his battle claws at him hoping to pull him down. He rolled onto the other side and ran off before they reached him. The metal clanged against the fence and the man gave a snug look back. Joe wasn't going to let up that easily though. He sprinted at the fence and then with one giant leap was over the fence and towards his target.

The look on the mans face was priceless but he was already up on the fire escape and ascending quickly. Joe grappled onto the top of the building and began ascending. Meanwhile the man was leaping up the side of the fire escape like a cat. Joseph couldn't even ascend fast enough to keep up with him.

When he reached the top of the building he started to look concerned that maybe the Lynx was going to catch him but he wasn't ready to give up yet. In hindsight a rooftop probably wasn't the best place to go. He looked around for an escape route but couldn't find one. Sanding on the corner of the building he lifted his hands in surrender.

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