#29 - Dynamic Duo

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Joseph cracked through his work hard today. Yesterday he wasn't able to focus because he was worrying about Ray Wilson. So he was working at double pace all week to make up for his slackness. It was Friday just after lunch when an unexpected knock came at the door. It was Jason Borne his levels security leader.

Jason was quite young to be so high up, but so was Joseph considering. He was a tall dark men, with short hair. He didn't look buff but Joe knew he would've been strong. Kirra let him in and the pair shook hands.

"Hey Jason, how's it going," Joseph said.

"Not too bad, yourself?" Jason replied.

"Great," Joe started, "What seems to be the matter?"

"Oh no this is an informal visit," Jason answered.

"Even better," Joseph said. "I've got enough on my plate an it is."

"I know your from out of town and don't really know anyone here so I was wandering if you'd want to go grab a drink this arvo," Jason asked.

"Sounds great thanks," Joe replied.

"Cool," Jason said. "I finish at 6 so how about straight after that."

"Sounds like a plan," Joe said. They said there goodbyes for now, and Joe returned to work. Kirra walked into his office with yet another pile of paperwork.

"What was that all about?" Kirra asked referring to Jason coming in to see him.

"I'm sorry Kirra but your too much of a security threat we're going to have to let you go," Joseph joked.

"Well that's a shame," Kirra laughed, "Because then you wouldn't be able to see me all day, everyday."

"Well, it's still up for discussion so maybe I could swing it your way a little," Joe replied.

"Aww thanks honey," she sad sarcastically. "Seriously though, what was it about?"

"Jason invited me out for a drink tonight," Joe answered.

"Ok cool," Kirra started, "I guess I'll take your car home and you can take a cab." Joe nodded his head in agreance. She then left him to do his work before his date the afternoon. It was much more than he expected and only just finished before six. He straight away went off and met up with Jason in the elevator.

"Hard day," he said greeting him.

"Tell me about it," Joe replied. "At least you don't have to deal with paperwork."

"I do a bit actually," Jason started, "Not nearly as much as you though." Once the elevator reached the ground floor Jason led Joe down the road where they pulled up some chairs and ordered some drinks.

"So Joe, where exactly are you from," Jason asked.

"A small town in the back country of Pensylvania," Joe replied. "What about you? Did you grow up here?"

"Nah I'm originally from Washington," Jason said. "Moved here a few years ago looking for work. Your going out with your secretery Miss May right?"

"Yeah we've been living together for a while now," Joe replied. "You got anyone?"

"Not at the moment but we'll see how the night goes," Jason chuckled. They both laughed for a bit. From where Joe was sitting he could see the door. A shady figure walked in with a bag around his shoulder. Jason kept talking but Joe stopped paying attention. The man walked into the middle of the room and put his bag up on a table.

Joseph was very suspicious now. The man unzipped his bag and reached inside. He drew out a machine gun and before Joe could react held it up in the air and let off a few rounds. Everyone in the bar immediatley duscked for cover.

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