#30 - Lynx Hunters

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"Good morning Rayn City! Welcome to Rayn City News," Bruce Jenset the reporter, introduced. "I'm sure you've all heard the news from last night how two courageous young men stood up to a gunmen and stopped his tirade. Well this morning I am joined by these two men. It's great to have you here boys."

"Please it's a pleasure to be here,"Jason replied.

"So let's start off with what exactly happened last night," Bruce asked.

"Well the gunman came in and started terrorizing the place, demanding everyone's wallets things like that," Jason started. "Then he got around to me I refused so he stood me up ad pointed the gun into my chest. That's when Joseph snapped into action, he knocked the gun out of his hands and I got a good hit on him, enough to knock him out."

"Wow, that's amazing," the reporter replied. "Obviously Jason your a security guard so you've had training but Joseph where'd you learn to disarm a man like that."

"Actually when I was younger I was really into martial arts and in the situation it all just flooded back to me," Joe answered.

"So what now," Bruce asked.

"Well um," Jason looked over to Joe for some hoe but found none. "We're just hopeing to return to our lives."

"There you go ladies and gentleman," the reporter announced. "The bar hostage heroes!" There was a round of applause from the studio audience before the show wen to an ad break. As soon as Joe was off he took his mic off and walked offstage to were Kirra was waiting for him.

"How was I?" he asked her.

"You did great honey," she replied. Joseph let a smile slip onto his face.

"See it wasn't that bad," Jason said as he walked up to them.

"Whatever, I'm just glad it's over," Joe replied.

"I gotta get going I'll see you at work tomorrow," Jason said as he waved goodbye to the couple. Joe and Kirra drove home where after their early start spent most of the day lying around. It was nice for them still to spend time together.

By that night Joe thought the Lynx's next hunt was well overdue. He told Kirra he was going to grab that drink with Jason he'd tried to get on Friday night.

"Try to stay out of trouble," she relied. Joseph left for his hideout but found it really hard for some reason. He put it down to the fact he was lying to Kirra. They'd been spending so much time together lately it felt wrong to treat her the way he was though.

What other choice did he have though. He couldn't tell her, she would constantly be worried about him. And he couldn't stop being the Lynx his city needed him. It wasn't the right thing to do, but it was what he had to do.

He dropped in at his hideout to grab his gear before heading off to the East Side. On Sunday nights it was never busy along the strip. But criminals were always out there. Waiting for the opportunity to arise.

It seemed like the perfect time when a lone drunk girl stumbled down the street. Anyone could have seen that she was going to be in trouble soon. It didn't take long for Joseph's fear to come true. As she walked past a dark alley a figure appeared infront of her holding onto a knife. Joseph didn't wait a second he sprung into action leaping down to the situation.

The mugger only seemed mildly suprised when the Lynx appeared infront of him. Most tended to just about wet themselves.

"Don't make any decisions your going to regret and run on now," Joe said. Out of nowhere a foot landed in his back and he fell to the floor. He quickly rolled out of the way of any other attacks and looked back for his attacker.

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