#21 - Burn

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Joseph was finding it tough to act normal after everything that happened. He couldn't help but think that at any moment Machete would come barging through the door to attack him and Kirra.

Having Kirra around also made things difficult. Joe was sure she was starting to become suspicious of him. And it would be hard to come up with excuses that he would have to leave every time the Lynx showed up.

If that wasn't bad enough, Unity was being difficult. They were always hiding something from. Not giving out all the information. It made him very frustrated. At least they had given him a base to continue his operations.

It was Thursday and Joe had managed to get off early. Kirra had gone out for dinner with her friend Tegan so Joe was left at home alone. A rare occurrence these days. He could have had the afternoon to relax but instead decided to head to his hideout and workout. Lucky he did to.


That same Thursday night the weekly meeting was taking place on the top floor of the Z-Building. The usual members, Ross Zambino, Greg Leon, and Julian Deckall, where all gathered around the desk.

"No sightings of the Lynx around your parts Julian," Mr Zambino said.

"Not at all," he replied.

"That's very good," Ross said.

"I think the return of Machete could keep him busy for a while," Greg suggested.

"Keeping him busy for a while will do us no good," Mr Zambino started, "We need him out of the equation."

"How do you suppose we do that," Greg asked.

"I think he can do it on his own," Ross laughed.


Joseph was just about to start his workout when an alert from the computer stopped him.

"Machete spotted on 36th Avenue," the voice said.

"Great," Joe had to himself. He quickly got changed into his Lynx suit and ran back up the bush path to his car.

A few minutes later...

The Lynx ran up to the street where Machete was waiting. There were a few police cars around but a fair way back, still frightened about what Machete had done over a week ago. Machete was just waiting there like he was waiting on a friend. If it wasn't for his ridiculous outfit he could have been anyone. Not someone you'd expect to be about to do the most evil thing you could think of.

"Ahh, we meet again," Machete said as he noticed Joseph. "Did you enjoy your run, the other night." Joseph kept quiet. "It was quite amazing actually. How do you run so fast?"

"Stop stalling," Joe yelled.

"Oh no, today's game hasn't started yet," Machete started, "But if your so interested I guess we can begin." Machete began to focus more. "The orphanage across the road is about to go up in flames. You can fight me or save them, but no firemen are allowed in the building."

As soon as he'd finished his sentence flames erupted all over the building behind Joe. "You may begin," Machete said opening his arms, willing the Lynx to attack him. He wanted to. He wanted to so much. But he had to attend to the fire.

Joe sprinted across the road and smashed through the front door. There were already kids on their way out of the building that he almost ran over. After he stepped aside the children run out. Quickly Joe checked around to make sure everyone is out on the bottom floor before heading up the staircase.

The building seems to be relatively empty until Joseph reaches the fourth floor. There were flames everywhere and he could hear a little girl screaming for help. He tried to find a way around the flames but couldn't. He hoped that his suit wasn't flammable and jumped through them. He landed with a thud. Luckily he wasn't on fire, but his metal claws were heating up.

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