Chapter One - Is it normal?

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* One Direction - Right Now*

Credit for @crescenthxrry on twitter for suggesting this song.


The Boys have a 4 week break until they go on their stadium tour to promote their new album 'midnight memories'.


Harry went out last night with the boys so I assumed he stayed at one of their houses as he didnt return home. I wanted to spend time with him and have our usual movie night in but he blew me off to go out drinking with Zayn, Liam and Niall. It didnt faze me when he didn't return, to be quite honest I didn't care.

Not caring and missing someone are two totally different things because I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him. But if he'd rather spend the evening and night drowning his body in harmful fluids with the other boys then so be it. Who am I to stop him?

~1 hour later~

An hour has pasted and harry hasn't returned home yet and to be honest , I don't blame him.

I decided to be productive and go to the gym and do my daily work out this morning instead of later tonight.


I lay sprawled, too wicked to move, spewed up like a broken spider-crab on the starry shingle of the morning. The light did my eyes harm, but not as much as focusing on random objects scattered around the room did.

A dusty thudding in my head made me realise how hard I partied last night until early hours this morning. I manage to grab my phone to inform Louis I will be home today and as I did; I checked the time. '11:45' was what the large printed numbers said at the top right corner of my iphone.

It didn't take long for Louis to reply, as my phone started to buzz viciously on the bed side counter. I opened the message.

From Louis

Okay, see you later. I won't be home for a few hours.

I sighed to myself then started making my way out of Liam's house; it was like a walk of shame. A rerun of what the media would have called a "one night stand", if they had captured a picture; but they didn't. There were no paparazzi around but that didn't surprise me. I made my way back to mine and louis' place. It took me half an hour to get to our place and when I opened the wooden door that had been painted white by pervious owner, the silence hit me.

It was awfully quiet with out Louis home. I felt like I had no sense of direction and nobody to embrace me with happiness and love. I just brushed it off knowing he'd be home in an hour or so. I decided to pass time by having a shower and it did. As I walked to my bedroom to grab some clothes with a towel hanging low around my waist, Louis walked in and ran upstairs to take a shower. I asumed he had been to the gym because he was sweaty and his breathing was uneven.


Seeing Harry walking to his bedroom with the towel hanging low made my heart skip a beat, literally. I always known deep down that I have feelings for him but seeing him half naked made me feel some what more in love and lustful over the younger boy. I stood in the shower, allowing the hot drops of water cleanse my body as my mind wondered off into deep thought about Harry.

Many people would say this was an attention deflicit disorder but I blame it on unrequited love. The love I currently have for Harry is hopeless. Knowing that my feelings for Harry will never reach him. I have to admit; it kills me knowing Harry is only my friend, bestfriend.

I briskly snapped out of my own thoughts and decided to make my way to my bedroom to get changed. Suddenly, a human like body knock into me and my towel unravel rapidly. I looked up to see a pair of emeral green, sparkling eyes staring at me with his jaw hanging low.

I was so embarrassed. I stood up quickly and rushed to my bedroom, closing the door behind me. I heard a knock at my door. Panic rushed over me as I realised it was harry and I was still stood in my towel.

"Give me a second!",I shouted as I pulled on the first item of clothing I saw in my closet, before allowing Harry to enter.


"Give me a second!" ,louis shouted, it was muffled but I understood.

Soon after he revealed himself from behind his bedroom door with a pair of black jogging bottoms on and a white V-neck t-shirt. He is so hot when he wears v-necks, especially white ones as they make his 'it is what it is' tattoo stand out more. I quickly drifted out of my thoughts when I heard Louis clear his throat.

"Sorry...erm. I didn't mean to bump into you out there...erm I didn't see you, I was on my phone, sorry" ,I stated whilst stuttering. I sounded like a teenager confronting their teenage crush,embarrassed is an understatement.

Louis sent me one of his cute, teeth filled accepting smiles, to show me he accepts my apology.

~ 4 hours later~

"Harry, are you going out tonight?", Louis asked me questionly.

I didn't have any plans so i replied with a simple "Nope, d'ya wanna have a movie night in? We haven't had one in a while", then sent Louis a warm smile as he agreed to spend the night in with me; eating popcorn and watching movies.


The rest of the night was perfect. Me and Harry lay on the sofa whilst watching the box set of 'paranormal activites'. Everytime i flinched Harry would made an angel-like sound, which is also known as laughing, although it was a mocking sound, it still managed to make me giddy inside.

Now I know why I want this so badly, me and Harry to be a 'thing'. I dont know if it's normal to love your same-sex bestfriend, who also just so happens to be in the same boyband as you. I'm not sure if it is normal but I want it so badly to be normal.

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