Chapter Eleven

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* i don't know any coming out songs...sorry*

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It's been a week since I talked to Liam about being gay. I haven't told Harry this yet but I am going to tell him one day soon,before the tour starts next week.

I'm regretting the decision i made, i should never have told Liam anything...he's only accepting because he is homosexual too. How am i suppose to tell my family? My sister mentally murders people who are gay, how is she going to respond?

~3 hours later~

The last 3 hours have been eating me alive. I've been thinking over the pros and cons of telling my family about it, im 100% sure lottie is going to look down at me and reject me but that's up to her, she's old enough to know what is right and what is wrong in her opinion. Then there's my mother, i don't know how she is going to respond, she could be accepting or she would be homophobic, this has never came up in conversation before so i dont know her views on this. My mother has always been open minded for me and my sisters. She never forced her opinions turn our throats , she has always wanted us to determine these things for ourselves so we never talked about it.

I came to the conclusion that she has a right to know, at the end of the day she brought me into this world so she should know. I have decided that it won't be a bad thing if she rejects me, i don't live at home and i only visit for a month, once a year which is always December so i can spend my birthday and Christmas with my family around. So if she rejects me, i will just not visit again and spend christmas and my birthday alone in my house, maybe with Harry if he is home.

I rang my mother, Johannah. She agreed she would come over my house instead of me going to Doncaster and missing out on rehearsals later today. I told her to bring Charlotte, Fèlicitiè, Phoebe and Daisy with her because i had something to tell them all. I'd rather see all there reactions first hand, rather than giving them time to accept me. She said she would be here in a few hours. Its 12PM at the moment, they will be here around 2PM. I decided to ring Harry to him about my family coming up and staying the night, maybe.

It didn't take Harry long to answer the phone. "Hey Haz, my family are coming up today and they might be staying tonight" i told him. "Oh, alright. Would you like me to leave you all to catch up? I will go to Niall's house then come back tonight to see them" Harry said. I agreed because i know how long they're going to stay for.

~1 hour later~

I decided to shower and start to get ready because my family will be here soon. After i showered i went to me room and pulled out a jumper to cover my arms and a pair of jogger bottoms. It only took 45 minutes to get ready, i didnt bother doing my hair so i had at least 15 minutes to spare so i decided to go on twitter and do a follow spree. I followed 20 people then decided to tweet.

@Louis_Tomlinson today is a big day for me. Fingers crossed it all goes well...

Not long after i tweeted it , the tweet got 15k retweets and 2k replies. Most of the replies were saying "good luck" where as the others were just "follow me" or random letters which everyone says is a fangirl getting feels. I dont understand that but i favourited a few of those replies and a few "good lucks" before i logged off and went downstairs.

~10 minutes later~

I heard my phone ring, i answered it. It was Liam asking me what is happening today. I replied with "I've finally built up the courage to tell my family about my sexuality but i dont think i am capable of telling Harry, its scary" Liam replied understandingly saying "its good, you're good. You're going to be fine, dont worry. Good luck, i doubt you need it tho because your family are very open minded" then he hung up.

That made me feel so much more confident until the door opened and my sister came running in ti hug me with my mum following behind. "I MISSED YOU BOO" Phoebe shouted followed by daisy asking when i am going to Doncaster next. "December im coming up" i said promisingly.

"i need to tell you all something. Please dont be mad but if you all are i will totally understand, come sit" i spoke nervously. They all did as i said and sat down on the sofas. It took me a few minutes to comprehend what was going on and how i was going to say this.

"Take your time" my mum told me. "I'm just gonna say it as it is, there is no easy way to say this...I'm gay. I dont like girls, i like boys" i said waiting for a reaction.

Phoebe, Daisy and Fèlicitiè jumped up and hugged me. I felt some sort of relief then my mum got up and said "i already knew,im glad you have told us all now! Im happy you have accepted yourself" and i cried. I cried happy tears then i asked Charlotte why she was silent. Then she replied saying "i have been so inconsiderate, im on twitter tweeting homophobic tweets and sending hate to people who tweet me asking about "Larry". I called them deluded because they thought you were gay. Now im a bad person and a bad sister. You do know i love you no matter what, right?"

"Larry? Who is Larry?" I asked confused. She then replied saying "its yours and Harry's ship name. Like the fans ship you toether, they want you two to be in a relationship, its cute im not gonna lie but i thought it upset you so i was mean to everyone" she continued and i was gobsmacked. The fans really want us to be toegther? Wow i am so blind.

I went over and hugged her saying its alright and that she needs to apologise to everyone she has sent hateful messages too. She agreed and told me she was happy for me.

~30 minutes later~

It's now 4PM so i decided to show them to their rooms. We only have 2 spare rooms so i rang Harry asking if i could share his room tonight and he said it was fine. They all decided that Phoebe and Daisy are going to sharing a room, Charlotte and Fèlicitiè are going to share a room and my mam is goning to have a room for herself. They all put their over night bags in the room they are using for the night then we went down stairs and my mum made us dinner. We have a beef lasagne then we had icecream and jelly for desert.

~2 hours later ~

Its 6PM and Harry has just came back. The twins, Phoebe and Daisy ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. Harry has always been the twins favourite out of Liam,Zayn, Niall and Harry. I don't know why but they have always been more fond and happier around Harry. It didnt take long for the others to stand up and hug Harry.

I went out the room for 5 minutes to get a drink for them all....

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