Chapter Ten

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*Daniel J cover - Dont Let Me Go*

(Originally sang by Harry Styles)

Listen to this while reading Harry's POV.

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I woke up rather late and Zayn had already gotten up because he wasnt in bed no more. I walked down stairs looking for Zayn. "Zayn, where you at?" I laughed nervosly. The house was so quiet. I wonder where he is.

I walked into the kitchen and saw him standing at the toaster making toast. I walked up behind him amd wrapped my arms around his torso from behind. Some would say this was cute but Zayn seemed to jump and turn round facing me quickly.

"I'm sorry Zee, i didnt mean to scare you" i laughed. His reaction was hilarious but he just smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Omfg our first kiss.

I leaned in closer until his pouted lips touched mine. Our mouths moved in sync as i moved my hand up to the nape of his neck and Zayn moved his hands to the small of my back. It is perfect. His lips felt so soft and warm, like they were ment to be on mine . clechè,i know. Zayn slowly pulled away then leaned back in for a final peck on the lips. "Don't scare me like that ever again" Zayn said as he turn to check on his toast. "If I'm going to get the sort of reaction everytime then you best be on your guard" i replied jokingly. Zayn just laughed and went to get the butter out of the fridge.

That was the best way i have ever started my day. I hope it happens more often, i can get used to this.


~ 2 hours later~

Its 3PM and I've just had lunch. I've been home alone for the past 3 hours as Harry went over to Niall's house to do some song writing and to have a "private talk" with him. I dont know what he is keeping from me but who cares? If he is going to be so secretive about things , then so am i.

I decided to ring Liam because the past 4 months have been chewing me up. Im not going to tell him about cutting, even though i haven't cut in a while but that doesn't mean i dont cut anymore or that i won't ever again because i know I'm not going to be able to stay cut free for the rest of my life, it's impossible. i rang Liam because i need to find out if three gay guys in a boyband is wrong. I'm not going to pretent im not scared for his reaction because honestly , i am. I dont want him to react badly even though he is gay himself.

It didnt take Liam long to answer the phone. "Hey Lee, i need to talk to you, if that's cool with you?" I asked quietly. "Sure Lou, what's up?" He replied. It took me a while to figure out what to say so i just said it quickly but clearly so he understood.

"Are you for real lou? Of course there is nothing wrong with that and i thought you were gay. I saw the way you look at Harry and the way you treat him, so i thought you liked Harry in more than a friendshippy way" he said with so much confidence and sincerity, i didnt know how to respond.

"Wait, what?" I replied once i comprehended what Liam had just said. Liam explained to me that the way i feel about Harry is cool. I don't remember telling him but i guess I'm just a readable person.

"Okay, fair enough. I come clean, i do like Harry. But promise you won't tell a soul. Not even Zayn or Niall?" I asked. Thankfully Liam agreed to keep everything a secret between me and him and i was greatful. But what do i do now?

"Liam, what do i do now though?" I asked relying on Liam to give me the best advice on how to handle the situation i am in. But i did not expect him to say "tell Harry. He has a right to know. If the feelings aren't mutual then it gives you both time to talk about it and move on, or you're just going to end up being heartbroken and overwhelmed by the whole "liking your best friend" situation" wait, what?

Even though the advice he gave me wasn't what i wanted to hear and something i wasnt going to take on board, i thanked him amyway and then we said our goodbyes.

I dont know what I'm going to do. I understand he has a right to know that the boy he considers his bestfriend is madly in lobe with him but how do i tell him? Do i just blurt it out when he gets home? or do i think it through before i say a word? I decided on the latter. Im going to wait and think it through before i come clean.


I left early to go to Niall's this morning so we could get some writing time in for the next albjm "four" which turned into me and Niall writing a song together called "Dont let me go" . Its now 6PM and we are half way through a song. I wrote the lyrics to the music Niall had wrote, it's turned out alright...if i do say so myself.

"Shall we run through it one more time?" I asked Niall. "Yeah, sure...why not?" He replied then i started singing.

"Now you are standing there,

Right infront of me.

I hold on it's getting harder to breathe.

All of a sudden these lights

are blinfing me.

I never noticex how bright they would be...

Don't let me go.

Dont let me go.

'Cause im tired of sleeping alone."

Me and Niall have both decided to not release this song or put it in the line up for our next album. The song is too personal, i haven't told Niall who it's about. I also told Louis before i left that i came to talk to Niall in private but i didn't tell him what i was talking to him about. I came clean to Niall, i told him i was gay. Niall was surprised but really accepting. I just need to tell Liam, Zayn and Louis. I already told my family after i finished my time on the X factor. They were very supportive and my sister was over the moon, i still don't knkw why she waa so happy for but she was and it felt amazing.

I left Nialls and made my way home. It was 7PM,when i got home and the house was silent. I went to Louis' room to check see if he was awake and he was. He was on hid laptop watching films on netflix. He looked so chilled and happy, i asked him if he wanted pizza and he said yes , so i ordered in anf got 2 large pizzas with chips.

After we both ate our food, i went off to my own room and went to bed. Its been a long day for me so i decided to call it a day. I fell into a deel sleep and didn't wake up until the next day.


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