Chapter Seventeen

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* Lauren Legato and Kris James- Who You Love*
(Originally sang by John Mayer)

This is off youtube so it the video has little bloopers at the end and a promo clip to their other cover "say something".

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I woke up this morning lying on the couch with a headache which is becoming unbearable.  I got up and went into the kitchen and got painkillers out of the emergency cupboard then sat back down in the living room, thinking about the night before. Trying to process and remember everything that happenes last night, i got a scene in my head where Louis tells me he likes me and i told him we would talk about it today instead.

I waited til Louis had woken up and gave him some time to fredhing himself up before i asked him about last night. Louis came back into the room so i told me we needed to talk. He replied with "yeah we do. And everything i said lastnight is true and don't worry im ashamed of myself for telling you" i was shocked. Why was he ashamed.

"There's nothing to be ashamed for, i like you too but i didnt want to tell you until after i helped you with your selfharming, i wanted to make sure you were confident in your own skin before i laid a burdon like this on you"

I quickly put my head down then added "i didnt want to add more thing for you to deal with, i didnt think it was fair" i looked up at louis to see him smiling, a real genuine smile. So i went over to him and hugged him.

"What are we then?" Louis asked which i replied with "anything you want us to be". He went silent for a while before he made his mind up and said....

"boyfriends" loudly.  I couldn't have asked for a better outcome. I do realise that we will have to build our relationship from our friendship and i was totally cool with that. I am determine to make this work.

I decided to make Louis breakfast, a special breakfast. One he won't forget. So i made my way into the kitchen, my head still hurting but i didn't care because i finally got what i have always dreamed of having, the Doncaster boy,Louis.

I got all my ingredients out and started to cook. A full English breakfast was on the cards for my new boy for being brave and telling me his feelings. It still hasn't sunk in yet that I'm dating Louis Tomlinson. The guy with insecurities that are perfect to me.
I guess 'Larry Shippers' are in luck.

Once i had finished cooking and plating up the food i called him in to eat it. "Do you like it?" I asked after he took his first bite. "It's perfect" he reasuured me. I feel like this tour is going to be the best one so far.

We finished eating then Louis said we should pack now and have "Larry" time tonight. I agreed and we went up to our rooms and started to sort through our clothes choosing 20 outfits, we always bring 20 outfits to each leg of the tours because we can wash them then mix and match outfits to make another one. I put 15 pairs of skinny jeans and 5 pairs of joggers in my suitcase. Then i placed 20 t-shirts and 5 jumpers.

I went into Lou's room to check see how he was doing and i think its fair to say he wasn't doing very well. He had only packed 5 outfits and couldnt decided which others to take. I sat down beside him and asked "do you want me to help?" Which he replied quicker than I expected with "please?" So i picked out my favourite top on him, his white V-neck and a pair of grey joggers and placed them into his suitcase. It didn't take long to pick out the other 14 outfits and 4 pairs of shoes. We also put extra jumpers and bracelets in his suitcase. But i hoped to god he wouldn't have to add more to his wrists.

~2 hours later~

I decided to check in on how the others were doing. Louis said he'd help me by ringing Liam...


Louis rang me asking how packing wad treating me and i told him it was the most stressful thing i've dont in a while. The last tour we were on didnt sttess me out as much as this one did and i dont know why.

I took me 3 hours to pack and that 3 hours too long. I decided to have the rest of the day and Liam and Zayn time because i was too tired to do anything else.  Liam came over and the rest of the day we spent watching telly, catching up on this years X Factor.


Harry rang me asking me how packing was going anf it went great. I managed to pack everything in under 2 hours which is actually the quickest I've ever packed since i was put in a band with Liam, Zayn, Louis and Harry. I call that day the best day of my life because i changed my life. I was the little boy from Mullingar with a average social class life, meaning my parents worked and there was income coming into our house but most of it was used to pay for the house and essentials, such as clothing and food.

Don't get me wrong i love out house and my parents jobs were decent but i did have big dreams and they have came true so i couldnt thank Simon Cowell enough for this opportunity. We have went from the boys with no spare change to the boy selling out arenas and stadiums with 4 of my bestfriends and i couldn't have lived my dream with anyone better, they mean the world to me.


It's just after 6PM and i decided to make Harry tee, seems though he made me the best breakfast ever. I went into the kitchen and told Harry to not come in until i told him to.

I started making the first meal i have ever cooked, this is my first time cooking and im scared. Chicken wrapped in parmaham, stuffed with mozzarellla with a side of homemade mash potatoes, can't be hard to cook, right?

I finished cooking and plated it up then a notification came up on my phone saying "@Harry_Styles has tweeted an image..." i opened it to see what it was and it was a picture of me standing at the stove cooking, he captioned it "Louis' first ever cooking experience" which was quite embarrassing but i let him off because he's my Hazzabear.

"Hazzabear, come get your food. If i poison you, I'm sorry" i joked and he laughed and sat down. He started eating then he pretended to choke which scared me because i thought i actually killed him.

"Dont do that, harry" i said in a serious tone. "I'm sorrh" he said then quickly added "this is great by the way. You should cook more often".

I'm glad he liked it and he proved his word saying it was great by eating it all. After tee we caught up on series 6 of criminal minds. I'm not going to lie, i find Shermar Moore very attractive.

After we caught up on criminal minds we went to bed, together.  We slept in my room, cuddled up together with a big smile on my face,  i can proudly say i have had the best day of my life and if this is a dream, i never want to wake up.

"Goodnight boo" Harry said. 

"Goodnight Hazzabear" i replied.

With that the room went silent and our breathing patterns became even...we were asleep.


Today has been perfect and all i have thought about is how me and Louis will end and i hope we end happily. I'm lying in bed tangled in Louis' limbs, i couldnt have ended the day any better.

I fell asleep with one thing on my mind...i want to make him feel wanted.

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