Chapter Six

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*One Direction - Dont Forget Where You Belong*



I woke up extremely early and very warm. It is 10am and I'm lying on the sofa with Liam cuddled into me. This is definitely the perfect way to wake up and start the day. I know we have to rehearse today but we are doing it at Harry's and Louis' place.  We dont need to be there until 3pm so i have 5 hours to waste, but its not really going to be watsed because im spending it with Liam, shopping.

I untangled myself from Liam and made my way into the kitchen to make myself and Liam a cup of coffee. While i was making the coffee i heard a noise coming from behind me so i spun round, only to see Liam standing there with bedhead and a cheeky grin across his face. He looked so cute.

I walked over to him and gave him a hug. It was magical, the way my body tingked as i touched his lower back and the way my stomach went crazy as the butterlies took over. I could get used to this.

~few hours later~

We decided it was time to go shopping, we have 3 hours until we need to be at L&H's place. We left the house and got in my car and i drove us both into the town centre . This should be fun.

We decided to check out Topman first. I bought 3 t-shirt and 2 pairs of jeans. Whereas , Liam bought 2 pairs of jeans, A beanie and a pair of hightop trainers.

"Liam, shall we go eat" i asked him as we walked out of topman with 2 bags and a rumbling stomach each. He agreed so wewent to Subway as a quick stop. We got and ate our subs in silent. We were so hungry as we didn't have breakfast this morning, its only 1pm but thats still a long time to go without food.

After dinner we checked out multiple shops and markets until we had finally finished the 3 hour shopping trip then make our way to L&H's house.


I woke up in a good mood then it all changed when i remembered that i had tk confront Louis about selfharming. I know he knows the consequences and i know he has a validreason for it all, but i wanna know the reason so i can help him over come it.

I decided the best time to do it was when all the boys had gone after rehearsals. It didnt take long for the boys to come over, seems though i didnt wake up until 2:30pm. Niall was the first to come, he came 15 minutes early but he was closely followed by Zayn and Liam who walked in 15 minutes after him. Perfect timing.

I went to check see if Louis was coming down to rehearse but he wasnt home. Panic kicked in as i screamed for the boys to ring him but he didn't answer his cell.

TO:Louis Tomlinson

Where are you? Liam x

We waited an hour before we got a response.

FROM: Louis Tomlinson

I've been to the gym, why? Im on my way home now.

We all sighed in relief. He is alright. Thank God he was only at the gym, i dont know why but my mind always does over time and thinks of all the possible serious or harmful outcomes before they think of the more obvious.

Louis was right,10 minutes later he came rushing through the door with his head phones in and his gym gear on. Im not going to lie, he looked flawless. His breathing was uneven and his face had little beads of sweat on them but he still managed to look like a God to me.


we waited an hour for louis to get washed,dried and all that good stuff before he came down to join us in the studio. We are practicing Dont forget where you belong. Its my favourite song on the album. It reminds me of my childhood,my friends and family back at home and most of all it reminds me that no matter how far away i am from Ireland, it is still my hometown and the town i would never leave.

Half way through rehearsing the song Harry broke down. I dont know why but he did and it broke my heart. The song that speaks to me more than anyother song on the album broke one of my friends. He started crying then walked out muffling a "i need a momen" before leaving.

I didnt know whether to go check on him or not. "Shall i go check up on him?" I asked quesionly.

"I should" louis said quietly as he walked out of the room to find harry. I dont think I've ever saw him cry at our songs before apart from during  "over again" and "moments".


"I've been away for ages

But I've got everything I need.

I'm flicking through the pages,

I've written in my memory."

I lost it. I couldn't sing this any longer, i just sat there and broke down infront of the boys. It was embarrassing, i got up and walked out and went outside. I couldn't sing this song, it reminds me of my family back in Cheshire, i am a car journey away but that's not the point. I have no free time at the moment to visit and the next time i will see my family will be half way through the tour and it kills me.

I wondered out of our house and down to the local park extension, i always thought it was creepy when people without children would go in the actual park. I walked down past the park and kept going until the park wasnt in my eye line view. I found the nearest bench and sat there hoping no one would walk by. I got lucky, no fans , infact no-one was around. Which is unusual but i wasnt complaining.

I sat there until i heard a boy, who's voice i knew too well said my name. I could tell he wasnt far away.


I went out after Harry.  I wanted to comfort him, his voice conforts me when i have the urges to cut. I walked out of the house to see which direction he went in and i couldnt see him. I walked around for a while through the freezing cold London streets searching for him and then i spotted him in a park extension sitting on the bench , staring athead with a blank expression on his face.

"Harry?"  I said in a soft voice as i got closer to him. He turned around and he smiled. I asked him how he was and he replied with a "fine" which was clearly a lie, he looked torn and not himself. I asked what was up and he replied with "just a bit emotional, that song reminds me of my family" and i didnt know how to reply. I know how hard it is when your on tour.

I sat beside him and wrapped my arm around him, praying that no-one snaps a picture because it would be headlining news tomorrow morning. As my arm touched his back , i felt something i have never felt before and i prayed to God that he felt it too, it was unhuman but so perfect, it was like we were made for eachother. I need to stop thinking this way.

We waited a while before we headed back to the house and just before we walked in harry told me he had something he wanted to talk to me about. My head did over time throughiut the rehearsals and i couldnt focus properly. I was so scared and worried to hear what he wanted to talk to me about.

It was 6pm and Liam, Niall and Zayn had just left. I walked back in the house from saying my goodbye's and went straight to my room. I didnt want to face Harry , i was terrified.


I waited until the boys had gone. Me and Louis went outside to say out goodbye's and he came straight in and went upstairs. I gave it 20 minutes before i decided to go up and talk to him...

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