Chapter Twenty

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*Welcome To My Life cover by Vicky*
(Originally sang by simple plan)

Listen to this song when its Louis' POV.

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Today is our day off but we have to stay in the UK because we are travelling again in the morning from London, England to Manchester, England. The tour has been great, the growds and supporters have been amazing. I dont think we could have asked for better fans and attenders. The vibe each night we performed from the crowd was amazing, even when we messed up they seemed to just cheer and help out by continuing the lyrics for us so we dont lose our place in the song or forget our words which was a great help for us all and i cant wait to get back on the road again.

Me and Louis have decided to spend the night at home watching films and packing clean clothes for the next 2 weeks before we can come home again.

Its currently 6PM and all we have done is packed and watched a film. I did want to do more fun things with Louis, maybe take him on a date but i can't because we dont have time and its makes me upset knowing that our first date is more than likely going to be after the tour ends.

"Hey Lou, snuggles?" I asked. Louis agreed and came over and we had snuggle time for a while before we decided to eat. I made pasta. It was really nice even if i do say so myself. "Is that nice?" I asked curiously. "Yeah its great haz" he replied. Im glad he likes it.

After we ate we decided we should sleep because we wont get much on tour. "Can i sleep in my own room tonight? I feel like i need time to myself" Louis said. I didn't know what to say so i told him it was cool with me which he replied with "love you hazzabear". "Love you too boo" i replied then we went our separate ways.

It didnt take me long to fall asleep. Touring always tires me out but i love touring so i cope with it.


Its 10 past 2 in the morning and Harry is sleeping. I haven't read negative comments on youtube, twitter and instagram in a while but today i don't need to because i need to cut. Its been a while since the last time i cut and i kind of miss it, feeling worthless is the only thing i am good at. I got up and make my way to the bathroom.

I did the usual routine, i took off my bracelets one by one and placed them on the counter top near the sink. I then removed my bandage and threw it away and took the razor out of the cupboard, with my hand resting over the bathroom sink, i selfharmed once again. The blood oozed out of every single cut and it felt good. 6 cuts and i can feel the burning desire to cut more, so i did. 2 more cuts wont hurt right?

8 blood flowing cuts later and ive never felt so good in my life before. I decided 8 was enough this time, i cleaned my cuts and the blade then placed the blade back into the cupboard. I wrapped my arm in a clean bandage from the emergency cupboard in the bathroom.

Placing my bracelets one by one back onto my arm and i couldn't help but feel like i betrayed Harry. He is in his room sleeping, oblivious to what is happening. I can't helo but feel like i failed him but i had no other way to relieve myself.

I walked from my bathroom and found myself standing outside of Harry's room. The least i can do is cuddle with him. I walked in and went over to his bed.

"Harry, can i stay in here tonight?" I asked quietly hoping he can hear me. "Sure" he mumbled and moved over opening his arms for me to cuddle. I climbed into his bed and hugged him back. I gave it a while before i whispered "I'm sorry, you're going to be so mad at me, i hope you can forgive me" knowing he wouldn't hear me because he's asleep.

It didnt take me long, after telling Harry i was sorry, to fall alseep.


"I'm sorry, you're going to be so mad at me, i hope you can forgive me" Louis whisered in a low husky tone, it was sexy but i was scared. What has he done?...

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