Chapter Three

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*One Direction -Little Things*

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I woke up warmer than usual and with my limbs interlocked with Harrys. He looked so adorable lying their beside me with his arm drapped over my torso. He looked so peaceful and sort of angel-like. I didnt want to disturb him but I also didnt want to lay here waiting for him to wake up when I could hear the other boys down stairs.

I decided to carefully untangle my limbs from Harrys and go for breakfast. when I got down stairs the others were looking at me with a shy smile. It was awkward to say the least but I just brushed it off and made my breakfast whilst wishing I was still lay intwined in Harrys limbs with his arm caressing my torso but I guess I have to realise he is my best friend and I dont have a chance with him. Any how he is the 'womaniser' of the band,right?


I woke up pretty late today and i heard Louis and the boys carrying on downstairs. I got out of bed and headed down the spiral stairs to the living room. It was weird everyone looked at me with a 'yeah its 12pm and you just woke up' look but on the other hand, Louis was looking at me fondly. It was awkward but he looked so cute. I never really unerstood why he looked at me this way but i liked it.

Liam cleared his throat and snapped me out of my thoughts.


"do you guys wanna stay the night again or not?", I asked the boys. they all nodded in agreement and said"yes" ,pretty much in sync.

i dropped Harry and Louis off at their house to collect some clothes then took Zayn to his place and Liam to his then went back to collect them. When we got back to my place everyone was gitty and hyper. We decided now was the time we should rehearse.


"i'll start, which song should we sing first?", I asked.

"Start with little things", Niall said.

So i began singing....

"Your hand fits in mine,

like it's made just for me.

But bare this in mind

It was ment to be

And im joining up the dots

with the freckles on your cheeks

and it all makes sense to me".

Liam went next by continuing with his solo. It went round perfectly until we got to Louis. He missed his cue and was out of time. We decided to start from louis solo again.


Its always me that ruins the rehearsals. If my voice isnt cracking, im either missing my cue or forgetting the lyrics. It only started happening when we started rehearsing for the "Where We Are" tour and it doesn't half annoy me. Its so embarrassing.

I started my solo again...

"You can't go to bed without a cup of tea.

And maybe that's the reason

That you talk in your sleep.

And all those conversations

Are the secrets that i keep.

though it makes no sense to me".

Finally. I got it right. No mistakes or voice cracks. I did it. Now its Harrys solo and his voice is so husky and precious. I can't help but stare as he allowed the lyrics to roll off his tongue.


We rehearsed 5 songs then decided that was enough for now. Niall decided a film, The Notebook. Its a chick flick and i highly doubt I'm gonna like it but we all agreed to watch it anyhow.

Half way through the film i looked over and saw Liam and Zayn cuddling on the sofa with niall beside them and louis sitting on the floor with his back against the couch in between Nialls legs. They were all crying. I never really understood why people cry at films.


Have you ever had the feeling that someone was watching you? I did. Right now, i felt like someone was watching me so i glance around to see if anyone was. Out of the corner of my eye i caught Harry turn around, did he look at me? I was so comfused but i brushed it off and continued watching the film which made me cry, a lot.

The film finished and we all decided we should get back in Nialls basement and rehearse somemore. So went to the basement and we decided to go through little things again. We went through little things 4 times until we got it perfect.

"Should we go through diana?", I asked.

They all agreed that we should because we havent rehearsed it yet and we only have under 3 week before the tour starts.

"I wanna reach out for you,

I wanna break these walls,

I speak a different language

but I still hear you call."

Liam, Harry, Niall and Zayn joined in...


Let me be the one to light a fire inside those eyes,

You've been lonely,

You don't even know me,

But I can feel you crying,


Let me be the one to lift your heart up and save your life,

I don't think you even realize baby you'd be saving mine."

This song always got me emotional so i started to get teary eyed. "You alright?", Harry asked me. I replied with, "yeah, just the song. It always gets me teary eyed. Dont worry I'm fine".

Harry looked at me with a questionable look on his face and i just shrugged it off and turned my attention to the music playing in the background. Harry missed his solo to check if i was good so we started the track from his solo and continued going through it.


It's 11PM and we are finishing off our rehearsals. Everyone is tired and Louis has already went to bed. He went to bed after we rehearsed Diana. I guess its time we all went to bed soon.

"Baby be with me so happily" Harry ended the song and reearsals for tonight. Rehearsing one man down has never been good. It always ends with the harmonies sounding off and unusual.

We all made our way up to bed but before going to bed Liam checked on Louis. Liam came back saying he is sleeping and settled in for the night. Today has been pretty fun but really exhausting. Tomorrow should be a rehearsal free day so we can have more fun and play more of Nialls wacky games.

"Goodnight Liam", i said. "You too Zyanie", he replied and with that i was out for the night.

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