Chaptet TwentyOne

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* Shawn Mendes - Wanted*

(Originally sang by Hunter Hayes )

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It's 8am in the morning and as weird as it sounds I'm waiting for Louis to wake up because I can't wake him up as he looks so cute and peaceful, I would feel bad if I woke him.

I waited around an hour before he woke up on his own. There was a reason for me waiting; I waited because I needed to ask him about last night, tour starts again tonight and I need to ask him before we are on the road again.

"Lou, I need to talk to you" I stated. I saw the fear in his eyes when I told him and I instantly regretted my word choice. I felt like I had made him feel uncomfortable and uneasy in my presence.

"Yeah, about what?" Louis replied nervously. I honestly didnt know how to reply so I said it straight up off the belt and hoped he would reply honestly.

"What happened last night after I went to sleep?" I asked.


"What happened last night after i went to sleep?" Harry asked. I started shaking. What if he hates me for cutting again?

I couldnt bare the anxiety any longer so i told him. "I cut" I said as I held my head low in shame then continued "I'm sorry, the tour is overwhelming and I'm not in the right mind state yet -it takes time and being happy doesn't mean I am - fixed. I still have bad days and yesterday was a - bad day", I said quickly pausing every so often.

"I understand and I just hope that the next time you feel the urge to cut, you will come and tell me or just inform me that you aren't happy so I can change it around; I want to help you, lou. You're my boobear, don't forget that I am here for you, no matter the time or how far away I am from you.", he said then planted a little kiss on my forehead. I hope I can trust him enough to allow him to help me through this.

~10 minutes later~

We got up and had breakfast. The others are due to collect us in 2 hours to start our jounrey to Manchester so we can get their early enough to start our sound check for tonights show.


~8pm that night~

We are about to go on stage and Harry keeps staring at Louis. It's cute but very creepy from my perspective.

We came on stage singing midnight memories, the same way we do with every concert we put on during this tour. We managed to sing every song perfectly, no one messes up and no one falls over. Before we knew, it was nearly the end of the last song and we are standing on the opening hatches waiting for Harry to end the song.

"That's what makes you beautiful" , Harry sang, ending the show. We say our goodbyes and the hatches are opened and we all go down at the same time. The is crowd screaming "more" as we leave the stadium to beat the crowds of fans, lowering our chances of being mobbed.

We get to our hotel, Louis and Harry share a room, I have my own while liam and zayn also share.


It's nearly 2am and I'm trying to sleep, Harry is beside me and I'm lying with my eyes closed facing Harry. Just as I was about to fall a sleep Harry spoke up

"You know? I am going to show you what you are worth and how much I need you. You are wanted and we are going to get through this, together. Then once we have over come this barrier in our lives, we are going to come out to the world. Everyone deserves to know and you deserve to be happy, I love you".

"I love you too,Harreh"

This isn't wrong, this is right.

Love is equal.

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To the reader of this poorly wrote and exceptionally boring, fast moving fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed it. This is my first fanfiction so it has a right to be bad,right? But honestly. The amount of reads I have on this story is overwhelming and I couldn't thank you all enough. I love you all and I hope one day; I will write a better story with better plot twists and an amazing ending.

As of now; I am unable to edit this story due to my busy schedule but one day before I finish the story I am working on now "lost boy Louis", I will edit it and make sure grammar, punctuation and spellings are correct.


INSTAGRAM : @Obnoxious1D

TWITTER : @Obnoxious1D

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