Chapter 26

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Chelsea's POV:
While walking through the hallways of my school I see Jayda and Remi at my locker. They have that look on there face, oh no...

"What's the bad news?" I say
"Lily's transferring to Toms school to be closer with him!" Remi says
"What!" I say
"I'm sorry Chelsea" Remi says
"For what I'm with Ryder?"
"I know you Chelsea. Your still in love with Tom" Remi says
"What! No I'm not!"
"Yeah you are" Jayda and Remi day
"Ok maybe I still kinda, have a little bit of feelings for him. But it's healthy because I just got out of a break up with" I say
"Chelsea you went on a date with Ryder!" Remi says
"How do you know?"
"News travels fast around here" Remi says
"Well anyways. Ryder asked me to go on a road trip with him tomorrow, so you wanna come?!" I change the subject
"Actual?" They both say
"Yeah?" I say
"Sure" they say at the same time
"That's great maybe you can get over Tom already!" Jayda says
"No I like Tom I'm on team thelsea!" Remi says
"I'm on team cyder!" Jayda says
"Ahh lets just go to class!" I interrupt their argument.

After school getting ready for the road trip with Ryder...

I'm wearing this:

I'm wearing this:

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I'm ready....

I hear a knock on the door and rush to answer it. I open it to Ryder. I do have some feelings for him. Just not as much as Tom.

After the road trip...
We get to the hotel that we are staying at and I see this familiar looking girl in the corner of my eye. WAIT! That's Lily!! And the guy she's kissing is...TOM!!

I hate this. I hate being away from him. I hate not being his girlfriend. I hate not kissing him.
But at the same time I kinda like Ryder. He's growing on me.

I try and shake it off by holding Ryder's hand. Maybe I can try and move past this.

Tom's POV:
While I'm kissing Lily, I see Chelsea! What is she doing here. Talk about timing. Why is she holding Ryder's hand! They better not be dating. Out of everyone in the world Chelsea had to pick Ryder. Are you serious!!

I suddenly stop kissing Lily

"What wrong babe?" She says
"Nothing" I reply

Chelsea's POV:
"What is he doing here?" Ryder says
"I don't know but let's go" I say
"No, no he's not going to ruin this trip"
"He's not" I say

"Oi!" Tom says
"What do you want" Ryder says
"What are you doing here, With her?" Tom asks
"Were dating! Didn't you here" Ryder says
"What! Mate I already had to deal with you from when her an I were dating, and i don't think your good enough for her!" Tom says
"We don't care what you think!" Ryder says
"Chelsea you can't date him!" Tom says
"You can't date her!" I say
"I'm sorry I should of told you myself" Tom says
"Yeah You should of!" I reply
"Why didn't you tell me you were dating this sped!" Tom says
"Ayeee!!" Ryder says while charging at him
"Ryder!!" I say while pulling him back

Then a couple of guys held them back so they didn't kill each other!

"How would you like to feel the way you look?" Tom says
"Mate you can't do anything you can't do anything!" Ryder says
"Keep talking - someday you'll say something intelligent!" Tom says
"I'd like to kick you in the teeth, but why should I improve your looks?" Ryder says
"Guys that's enough!" I say
"Chelsea, I know you. I know you still have feelings for me. I still have feelings for you too, just say it so we can get out of here together!" Tom says
"No!! Chelsea I know we have only known each for like 5 weeks by I think I love you!" Rider says
"Wow mate slow down. I love her and she loves me, that's how it is! Tell him Chelsea!" Tom says
"Uhhh?!" I say. I'm so confused!
"Choose!" They say at the same time...

*hope you enjoyed, sorry for a bit of a long chapter. Comment if your on team thelsea or team cyder?*

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