Chapter 34

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Chelsea's POV:
Did Tom really cheat? Is Lily lying, is she just trying to mess with my head? I hope not...

I see Tom at his locker getting out his textbooks. I start to walk up to him. I get nervous.

"Hey, I was just about to text you" He says
"Were you with Lily on Saturday night?" I ask
"Uhh??" He hesitates
"You were weren't you?" My voice starts to crack
A few seconds past by. Tom looks down. Omg He did...

"I'm so sorry" he says while his eyes water
He tries to stop me from walking away. I push him away from me. How could he do this to me.

"CHELSEA!" Tom yells for me, but I ignore it
He runs after me. He stops in front of me.

"Chelsea Wait" he says
"Don't you dare talk to me!" I yell
"Please!" He says
"How could you do this to me!" I say while crying my heart out
"Please Chelsea I love you!" He yells
"If you loved me, you wouldn't of cheated on me with her!"
"I'm so sorry" he says with tears rolling down his cheek
"Don't" I say while walking away

How could he do this to me! I love him! How could someone make me feel this way...

*hope you enjoyed! Sorry for another short chapter*

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