Chapter 1

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Authors note: This is a new and improved version of the story I made in the 6th grade. It's taking me a bit to write each chapter because each chapter was so short with little detail. Which means the chapters will be longer! So with that in mind, please bare with me. For now, enjoy the new and improved, Chapter 1!

Naruto never had a great experience at school. He was a troublesome boy but he definitely had his reasons for it. He wasn't the best when it came to school work but he wasn't completely dumb. He just seemed like he never had a thought go through his brain...which was true half the time but in his defense, he didn't understand what the teacher was talking about. Although, he was a nice boy who just wanted to fit in but it seemed like he couldn't. At first, he thought that people laughed at him because they thought he was funny but in reality, they were laughing at him because they thought his failure was funny. Naruto wondered why they called him names and made fun of him but every time he'd ask, they'd always reply with the phrase, "how could the mayor's son be so dumb?" He hated being known as the "mayor's kid" because he knew he was more than that. Don't get him wrong, he loves his dad but sometimes he wishes his dad had a different position in the town they lived in. He used to think that being the mayor's son was so cool and that it would get him friends but it only had the whole class laugh at him

Naruto didn't care though. At least, that's what he tried to make everyone think. He acted like he didn't hear the boys and girls who talked behind his back but he knew. Although, he started to notice that one boy in the class never did. He was new to this school and only kept to himself. At least, that's what Naruto assumed based on how he acted in class. He never heard this mysterious boy speak willingly. He noticed that he only spoke when he was annoyed by their classmates or when he was spoken to. He always had the other girls in their class up at his desk until class started. He always looked so uninterested and like he already knew what the teacher was saying. What annoyed Naruto a lot was that everyone liked him but sometimes Naruto would notice that it annoyed that boy as well. He also thought that he was a bit scary but the fact that he scared him just annoyed Naruto more. He was the complete opposite of Naruto and he just couldn't find a reason to like him. He didn't even want to talk to him or meet him at all. All he did was observe him and after finally paying attention to the attendance, He  found out that this boy's name was Sasuke.

Despite Naruto's wishes to never talk to him, they still ended up talking to each other. It was raining the day Naruto and Sasuke first met. It's not an important detail but it's always something Naruto couldn't forget. It was the last day of seventh grade and it was pouring rain. It didn't stop raining ever since it started and Naruto wasn't aware at all about the rain that was coming that day. Clearly, it seemed as if everyone in his class, but him, knew it was going to rain. The day was coming to an end and because of after school hours, kids were able to get away with things. It was normal for boys and girls to pick on Naruto after school so today wasn't any different for any other day at school for him.

"You don't need these anymore, right? We'll just do you a huge favor and throw it out for you!" One of the boys in the group said, holding Naruto's green book bag (that looked like a frog) towards the window.

Naruto frowned, "Give it back! I still want my things in there! If you throw it out, I'll tell our teacher! So just give it back!" He exclaimed.

The boy laughed, his two other friends laughing as well, "Oh whatever! You didn't even pay attention half the time! Nothing in here should be that important!"
"Yeah! And plus, the rain will help get rid of most of the blank paper in that bag of yours! It'll be easier to get rid of!" The other boy said.

Naruto clenched his hand and got more upset the more the boys talked, "I said give it back you idiots!! It's my bag!!" he yelled, moving towards them to get his bag back. He went to grab his bag but the boy only moved to get out of the way. This would continue until the boy finally threw it out the window and into the rain. Naruto gasped and ran to the window and looked out and down at where his bag landed, the rain getting his hair wet quite quickly.

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