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A/N: This chapter (and many in the future) could be VERY triggering to some of you because it mentions detailed descriptions of abuse. So read with caution 🖤 the triggering parts are in bold.

Dahlia is seven in the flashbacks, Denny is eight, Cora is four.


{Dahlia's POV}

"Ow!" I screamed as I snatched my arm away from her, looking down at the red spot. "Why did you do that?" I asked shakily.

"Why did your dad ask me what happened to your back last night?" She raised her brow at me.

"H-He gave me a bath, so he saw it." I mumbled. She scoffed as she snatched the plug out of the wall and put her straightener back on the counter. "I think you're lying. I think you told him."

"I didn't tell him anything." I shook my head.

"Jane," She sighed as she squatted down to my height and grabbed my arm. I winced as her fingers brushed the spot that she'd just burned. "I know you think your daddy is some huge hero that cares so much about you, but you're wrong." She chuckled sadly. "He doesn't care about you or Denny, or Cora, or me. Your daddy just cares about himself. That's why he's always gone."

"He's just always at work—"

"He tells us that he's at work, but he's not!" She spat, digging her fingers into my burn. I squirmed, trying to get away from her, but she made sure I couldn't. "You know where he is? He's out having sex with other women, that's what he's doing. He says he's at work, but I know that's a lie." She mumbled before shoving me away from her and standing up again. I winced as my back hit the table behind me.

She lit herself a cigarette and looked down at my arm. "Don't let him see that. You need to wear your long sleeves."

"But it's really hot—"

"I don't give a shit! If he sees that I'll fucking kill you, do you understand me?!" She screamed. I nodded slowly. "Good," She huffed. "Go put on a long sleeve shirt and then stay in your room until I tell you you can come out. Robbie is coming over and I don't want you interrupting us while we're trying to have our fun." She grinned.

I turned to start walking away, but she quickly stopped me. "Jane!" She yelled. I turned to look at her again and she smiled. "I love you, honey! Remember that. No matter what anybody tells you, nobody's gonna love you like me! I'm your mother!" She smiled. "Now, go on. And tell your brother to come here cause I wanna talk to him before Robbie gets here!"

I gasped as I quickly opened my eyes. I laid there for a few seconds before quickly scrambling off the bed, running into my bathroom and sinking to my knees in front of the toilet.

My dry heaving quickly turned into me actually puking and gasping for breath every time I had the chance.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself after I was done.

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