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Friday, August 31st

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Friday, August 31st

{Dahlia's POV}

Friday. The day of the pep rally and very first football game of the season. Despite the fact that I wasn't such a big fan of the high school football season last year and only attended one game, I'm actually pretty excited about this year's football season. I definitely plan on attending most of the games, especially since this is my last year as a student at this school.

The Friday of the first football game at this school is absolutely miserable for anyone who isn't in the spirit or doesn't like football, but for anyone who does? It's the most incredible thing in the world.

Don't get me wrong! Every Friday that we have a football game is crazy and everyone shows their spirit, but the days of the first game and the last game are always the craziest!

This week had been a tough one, but that was every week for me. Therapy was going pretty well, but that's just because every session so far had been me and Klaus getting to know each other better and me sharing tiny bits and pieces here and there of what had happened in my past. Nothing too bad. My hallucinations, flashbacks, and nightmares hadn't slacked up, but they hadn't gotten worse either and for that, I'm thankful.

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