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Monday, January 14th
7:00 Pm.

{Dahlia's POV}

"What the actual fucking hell happened to 'Okay, baby. I won't do anything stupid, I promise.' You God damn stupid fucking--" I called Billie every insult in the book as she continuously tried to cut me off, but I pulled the phone away from my ear so I couldn't hear her anymore and cursed until I ran out of breath. Josephine covered Bowie's ears as she cradled him to her chest, wincing as she listened to me. Nana elbowed dad after taking a sip of her whiskey. "She gets her...Creative...language from me." She muttered.

My dad, Nana, Josephine, Cadence, Barbie, and Bowie are all here with me now and have been for the last several hours. I was more than relieved to see them but incredibly disappointed that Billie wasn't with them, nor was Denny or even Caden. Every time I asked why they weren't here, Cadence made up some stupid excuse that I didn't believe for even a second. It was only about ten minutes ago when I figured out the real reason why they weren't here.

"Baby...Baby, please--Now listen--"

"Several arrests made after brawl in Lukshaw High School parking lot," I growled out the title of the article before glaring at the phone, even though I knew she couldn't see me. "When I said don't do anything stupid and you promised me that you wouldn't, I figured that I wouldn't have to worry about an article like this existing, but I suppose I was wrong, hm?" I glowered.

"Now, Dahlia, just--"

"Billie, you're an idiot! This article has already been shared..." I narrowed my eyes as I tried to focus on the number on the screen. "Fifteen hundred times! And it's only been up for an hour! By tomorrow who knows how many people will have seen it! You have to think about this on a broader spectrum! You have thousands of followers now and you're trying to kickstart your singing career. You wanna get canceled before you even officially get started?!"


"And what the actual fuck--I can't even process this!" I huffed as I scanned the article, my nostrils flaring the more I read. "One person stabbed, two shot--This is serious shit!"

"Hey, I didn't do any shooting, alright? That was all Kit."

"They better be glad I didn't shoot them in their fucking domes," I heard Kit in the background sounding all too fucking calm. Why the hell was she so calm? She's in fucking jail! "A bullet in the leg never killed nobody."

"I—I'm pretty sure it has, I—Put her ass on the phone!" I spat.

Billie sighed and I heard some movement before Kit cleared her throat. "Wassup, shorty. You good?"

"What in the fuck were you thinking?! You could spend the rest of your life in prison because you decided it'd be a good idea to shoot someone in the leg! What the fuck?!"

"I would've never brought Rico out if that lil pussy boy, Romeo, hadn't started waving his pussy ass gun around. And I don't regret a damn thing either. Rico was getting dusty not being used. Glad I got the chance to--"

"Put somebody with some damn sense on the phone! Where's Gigi?! Put Gigi on the phone!"

"Man," She smacked her lips before starting to talk to someone in the background. "Doe is on some bullshit, on God. Back where I come from, you pop a bitch with your glock for a girl and she gets all turned on and falls in love with you and shit. This bitch complaining. Bitches just ain't grateful no more--"

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