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One week time skip, Monday, August 20th

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One week time skip, Monday, August 20th

{Dahlia's POV}

"Aw, look at you looking all presidential and shit!" Billie squealed as she squeezed my cheeks. "If we're just electing the hottest president, you're totally gonna win." She winked.

"Thanks." I snickered.

"Are you nervous? Don't be nervous because it's not gonna do you any good to be nervous! You cannot let Parker or anyone else see that you're nervous or else it's all just gonna turn to shit!" Cadence paced back and forth quickly as she fanned herself.

"Cadence, I'm fine! You on the other hand...You look like you need some ice or something to cool down." I told her.

"I need something hotter than ice," She sighed. "I need Gigi! I miss my sweet little Italian sausage. We always used to fuck before big events like this so that I could be totally zen, but he's all the way in Italy so I am not zen I am—I'm the opposite of zen!" She screeched.

"Wow, okay, didn't need to know that," I mumbled. "Deep breaths, in and out, in and out."

"The chances of you winning are 8 to 2!" Madison told me as he quickly came over. "You have many more friends than Parker and although it is not the way elections should go, whoever has the most friends always wins!"

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

"Do you have your speech prepared? Did you include some of the jokes I told you to include?" Caden raised his brows. "I have a new one for you if you have time to edit the speech a bit! Okay, two priests walk into a bar—"

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