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Saturday, January 19th

{Dahlia's POV}••••••••••••••••••

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{Dahlia's POV}

I grunted as I tried to move as quickly as I could with this stupid boot on my foot and with the annoying pain in my ribs. "Sorry!" I yelled, throwing a hand up as I looked toward one of the cars that were blowing at me. The plan was to cross the busy road as quickly as I could before the light changed to green, but almost as soon as I stepped off the sidewalk what did the light do? Turned green. "I can only move so fast, assholes, you see what kind of condition I'm in!" I yelled as I pointed toward my boot before beginning to drag myself across the road again.

It took another minute for me to get to the other side, and once I did, the cars took off down the road, the people inside them screaming insults at me as they passed. I waved them all off and continued to limp toward the shop I'd come all the way to this part of town to visit.

I gritted my teeth together to keep myself from letting out whimpers. I wasn't supposed to be moving this much. I'm supposed to still be resting in bed, at least for another couple of weeks until my ribs start to feel a little better, but I don't have time for that shit.

I tried to wait for as long as I could but my curiosity got the best of me and now here I am.

The only reason I was able to get out of the house is because Denny's at the Doe Design Company for work today and Billie's grounded, which means no leaving the house unless it's an emergency. I'm still allowed to visit her, technically, but she told me she'd beat my ass if I did since she wants me to stay at home and rest. We've just been Facetiming the last few days.

I only have a few hours to be out, though. Cora's supposed to be coming over to check on me a little later on today and I can't have her seeing that I left the house. She'll blab to dad and he'll lecture me!

I let out a small breath as I finally stood in front of the shop I'd come here for, only to see that it was closed. I narrowed my eyes at the glowing closed sign on the door and, in my head, I was ripping the metal thing to shreds with my bare fingers.

I could see through the glass door that the stupid man I'd come to talk to was sitting behind the counter, doing something. Writing something in a notebook, from what I could tell. He was smoking a cigarette as he wrote, clearly deep in thought as he concentrated on the paper.

I broke him out of his concentration by banging on the door as hard as I could, causing him to jump. He winced as his cigarette fell out of his mouth and landed on his hand, then he let out a few curses before standing up and walking around the counter. "Can't you read?! We're closed!"

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