Chp 1: Fear

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Hey guys! Hope you like the story! Refer to the following for the best experience...

(Y/n)- Your first name
(L/n)- Last name
(F/c)- Favorite color
(H/c)- Hair color
(H/t)- Hair texture
(H/l)- Hair length
(F/f)- Favorite food
(N/n)- Nickname
(S/t)- Skin tone
(M/n)- Middle name

(Y/n) is considered to be a 5"-5'2" girl (you can change this when you read).

(Y/n)'s POV

"Mamá? Mamá? Why is everyone screaming? Why is everything on fire?" I asked through blurry vision. My mother picked me up out of my bed and raced towards the kitchen.

"(N/n), Sweetie... I need you to stay hidden here in the cabinet with your sister. Can you do that for me?" She whispered with a quivering lip as she set me in the cabinet and stroked my (h/l), (h/c) hair.

"Yes, Mamá... but why? Why is the water booming?" I asked as I sat next to my older sister in the cabinet.

"Because the pirates are attacking and are going to kill us!"

"Valentina!" My mother scolded my older sister.

"What?! It's the truth!" She retorted, causing me to cry even more.

"She's only three! She doesn't need to know that... just stay here and be quiet!" My mother shushed us before giving us each a quick kiss. "I love you both very much."

She shut the cabinet door and I started to sob, only to have Valentina's hand cover my mouth. Footsteps echoed through our estate, followed by ringing gunshots. I trembled vigorously and prayed that the pirates wouldn't find us. After several hours, the house went silent.

Valentina made me stay in the cabinet with her until our mother came to get us... but she never came.

Memories cluttered my thoughts as I hid in my wardrobe. One would think I would be used to pirate raids by now, but each one reminded me of the day my mother was killed. I twirled the ribbon on my dress with one hand, while holding the folds of the fabric tight against me with the other.

Clinking footsteps pervaded the silence of my room and I held my breath. I could make out low grumbles as a couple pirates searched my room. I debated whether to look through the crack of my wardrobe or to squeeze my eyes shut. I decided on the first option, only for a hand to pass in front of my line of vision, sending me cowering backwards. Tears trickled down my face as I realized this was when I would join my mother. I waited for the doors to swing open, but they never did; however, the reason why they didn't open was more heartbreaking.

"We've got the girl... let's get back to the ship before this gets any messier," a younger male voice signaled for his subordinates to leave my room. My jaw was hanging and my eyes in shock as I realized who the girl was— Valentina.

I couldn't just hide in my wardrobe and let these uncouth men steal away my sister. She had no quirk and could only defend herself with her own physical ability... which was extremely difficult in a dress. I gently pushed the doors open and scanned the area for pirates.

No pirates were left in my room, so I rushed over to my bedside table and opened a small drawer. Taking a key from the very back of the drawer, I picked up a long, narrow box, decorated with spiraled engravings, and unlocked it, revealing a glimmering knife. Holding my breath as I contemplated my next choice, I moved my hand onto the blade of the knife. I applied just enough pressure to cut a bit of my hand, letting blood drip out. Clenching my hand and keeping the blood in place, I ran out of my room and searched for the savage pirates taking my sister captive. I heard a familiar voice belonging to the younger pirate who interrupted the others' investigation of my room. Valentina was no where in sight, but I hoped I could at least delay them enough for my father to do something.

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