Chp. 3: Dream Come True

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(Y/n)'s POV
I crossed my fingers in hopes that I actually did dream something while I was unconscious. My quirk was called "Dream Come True" and it allowed me to make my dreams a reality. Parts of any dream I had in the past 48 hours would show up in little hieroglyphs on my body. Once in contact with blood, they would appear and aid me. They acted how they did in my dream with one difference, their overall mission was to protect me. So if I had a dream in which I was being chased by a dragon, the dragon would protect me, but act as brutally as it did in the dream to my predators.

I twisted and turned, still held back by the tape-like bindings on my ankles and wrists, to look for the little tattoos. Unfortunately, it seemed I had a dreamless night. I contemplated my next step for a while, until I suddenly remembered that the other night I had a dream about becoming a mermaid and being hunted down by some soldiers. It was an awful dream, but could serve useful if I was on a boat like I suspected. The mermaid tattoo was on my neck and the soldiers on my shoulder, so it would be difficult to summon them with my bindings on.

I decided to hold off from using my quirk until my captors came to check on me, and, in the meantime, I worked on trying to bite the tape off my wrists. As I was doing this, I heard a key fidget in the lock of the door. I quickly rolled onto my knees and prepared myself for the worst. For all I knew, a pistol could be the first thing I saw when the door opened, and I was about to just let myself die.

Surprisingly, I was met by an oddly familiar face. A blonde-haired boy with a large, black pirate hat appeared in the door opening. Different shades of red scarves decorated his attire, accompanying his black and red, floor-length jacket nicely. I could tell he was physically much stronger than me because the deep V cut of his shirt exposed his muscular build. In his right hand was a simple cutlass, which didn't match the extravagance of his attire.

"Finally you're awake, wench," he growled, twirling the cutlass in his hand.

"What do you want? Just know I won't go down easy!" I shouted through clenched teeth. I was about to bite my lip to get some blood, when the Pirate surprised me with his response.

"Trust me, I know you wouldn't— I've seen you fight. I'm not going to kill you," his sighed. His words seemed honest, but his smirk said otherwise.

"Wait a minute... I remember you! You're the boy who kidnapped my sister! You're the one with an ego bigger than your hat! You're the dreaded Pirate Bakugo!" I spat with venom lacing my words. I hated this man's guts and would leap at the chance to kill him. I had promised my mother and sister their vengeance, and vengeance they would get.

"I guess news hasn't gotten around to Maracaibo yet, it's actually 'the dreaded Pirate Lord Bakugo' now," he chuckled, still more interested in twirling his cutlass than looking at me.

"Oh my apologies, I didn't know they allowed insolent baboons like you lead ships these days. My, how the times have changed," I lashed back, not helping my situation. Bakugo stormed towards me with a growing scowl.

"What did you say, you biscuit eater? Say it again, I dare you!" He pointed the cutlass at my throat and evidently expected me to back off. Little to his knowledge, he had just put me in the perfect position to escape.

"Seems the baboon has quite a temper issue too... maybe you should take a nap," I tested the limits of his temper with a smile. He went to move his sword slightly closer, but I caught him off guard by grabbing the blade, cutting my hand in the process. He froze in shock and I used my time to slide my hands onto the flat sides of the cutlass and cut the tape off of my wrists.

"You bilge rat! Are you out of your mind!" Bakugo screamed, following it with several curses. While his rage distracted him, I pulled up the short sleeves of my nightgown and applied some blood to the soldier image. Soon enough, I heard panic arise in the deck above.

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