Chp. 30: The Battle of Aruba Pt. 3

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Have ye seen the purple haired 'un?" I asked, focusing on matching my words to how the rest of the pirates' sounded. 

"Purple haired? Ye talk'n bout Fish Food?" Some low life responded with a question I wasn't exactly sure how to answer.

"She the kid with the purple hair?" I repeated myself, finding this entire interaction dumb.

"Yeah, she has purple hair. What 'bout her?" The man asked. I was ready to whip out Edgeshot's Pistol and put a bullet through my brain just to escape this headache of an interaction.

"Have ye seen her?"

"Yeah she has purple hair-"

"WHERE IN THE NAME OF ALL MIGHT IS SHE? I SWEAR MENTION HER HAIR AGAIN AND I WILL SHOVE MY SWORD DOWN YOUR THROAT AND SEVER YOUR VOCAL CHORDS!" I snapped and then realized that I was going to blow my cover. "The Cap'n is look'n for her... I don't be feeling like wash'n barnacles off t'night, 'kay?"

"Oh! Cap'n look'n for her? Fish Food was mess'n with the Nomu last I saw. Yeesh! Wouldn't wanna be the brats receive'n her wrath t'night, y'know? Blimey! That kid be having some power!" The pirate exclaimed. I sighed at the useless information and moved on. I had no idea what this "Nomu" thing he mentioned was, but I had a feeling it wasn't good. The man also indicated that Tomura was planning on using Dahlia to fight us, which sickened me but didn't surprise me. I kept a low-profile and walked around the deck. I caught a glimpse of lavendar, but my sight was interrupted by something much more obstructive to my vision-- a literal monster.

In front of me stood a massive beast with an exposed brain, beak with razor-sharp teeth, and an incomparable muscular build. My jaw dropped and suddenly it was very obvious that I was not a regular on this ship. I felt a tug on my pants and jumped at the sudden contact.

"Wha-" I started, but I didn't see anyone. I then heard someone clear their throat and looked down to see a little kid. The kid wore a dark cloak that covered dark hair and chocolate features. Analyzing the cloak, I immediately made the connection between this kid and the research from Froppy's. This kid was none other than Izara Abebe, the child with little information that was bought by Tomura.

"Shhh!" The girl hushed me sharply. "You're not blending in very well! They will catch you! Come with me."

"How do you-" I began to question how the girl knew I wasn't from the League, but she cut me off.

"Now's not the time to ask questions, just follow me!" She instructed, grabbing my wrist and sneaking me around the ship. She took me down the stairs and into a small cell-like room that had a cot and abandoned anatomy books. We entered the room and Izara shut the door. I turned towards the cot and noticed a boy who looked to be slightly younger than I was.

"I expected you guys to be better at this, but I guess not everyone can me geniuses," the boy sighed dramatically and already was getting on my nerves.

"What's going on here? Why did you take me here? How did you guys figure me out?" I bombarded the kids with a list of question because things were not going according to my plan.

"Look, the adults maybe too busy sharpening their swords and their egos to notice, but you clearly weren't getting ready to fight. You were obviously looking for someone. So I had the kid here grab you so no one else would catch onto you. I was a little frustrated that we had to put our mission on pause, but now I'm beginning to think you could serve useful," the teenaged boy explained. This kid was evidently highly intelligent, but I wasn't sure that I could trust him.


"Look, we don't want to be here, and by we I mean Izara here, myself, and another girl who is busy at the moment fooling the captain. We were planning on using this attack to start our own mutiny, rescue the other girl's mother, and stowaway on your ship. Now that we've kept you from getting caught, you kind of owe us one, so I'd like you to assist us and then allow us to seek refuge on your ship."

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