Ch. 33: Three Months

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Bakugo's POV

I watched the sun peek up over the sea as I sat in the crow's nest of my ship at dawn. The sea was calm, as was the wind, and everything was quiet. (Y/n) hated the morning, but on rare occasions when everything was quiet like it was now she would get up early and could be found gazing at the sky from the crow's nest.

"It sure is quiet this morning. The sunrise really is quite something, isn't it, (Y/n)?" I spoke, my voice drained from shouting orders the day before.

"You know, maybe one day we could make a stop in Salvador, Brazil. I have a friend who has this lovely house there with a pretty little balcony that overlooks the whole capital. He used to stay in Brazil more often because of work, but lately he's been sticking closer to Europe. I think you'd really like it there. Oh, I was also thinking maybe we could stop in Panama City for a bit next. I have some unfinished business with some no-name scoundrel there that I'd like to take care of before I loosen up on the pirate gig. It's not that bad there if you know your way around and if the other pirates and thieves there are afraid of you. Don't you think that would make a fun little trip, (Y/n)?" I asked, turning to my right. Of course, I knew (Y/n) wasn't there... she hadn't been there for three months now-- three months exactly. Pretending she was there was the only thing keeping me from completely losing it, although my crew may beg to differ. I begged every night for sleep to grace me with its presence so maybe then I could at least speak with her in my dreams, but I had barely caught even a wink of sleep since the League took (Y/n). When I did manage to fall asleep, I was plagued with nightmares of the League torturing her and flashbacks of that horrid day in Aruba.

"(Y/n)... it has been three months. We have been keeping tabs on the League since the day we were separated. As much as I didn't want to, I listened to Sero and gave you your time, but your time is up now. Today we will ambush the League whether you are ready for us or not. I will see you today... so you better be alive," I muttered to the girl who's image was permanently stuck in my mind's eye. 

"Captain! You better not have slept up there last night! How many times do I have to tell you? That is dangerous!" Sero screeched at me from down below. I let out an annoyed groan before climbing down.

"Watch your tone with me, Sticky Fingers. For your information, I did not sleep up there. In fact I didn't sleep anywhere, so take that," I spoke irritably and flicked the man in the forehead. He winced and then went to continue his work.

"Captain... you didn't sleep again?" Mina's concerned voice permeated the air.

"Sleep isn't what is going to help us get (Y/n) back," I grunted, brushing off Mina's worry.

"Well passing out in the middle of a fight due to exhaustion isn't going to help much either," Jirou commented as she walked by. She was right, but it's not like I had a choice. If I could sleep, I would. 

"Good Morning! Captain... can I speak with you in private for a moment?" Kirishima came up to me, whispering his request. I gave him a nod and then followed him into my quarters.

"What is it you wish to speak about?" I asked, sitting in my chair and tracing the grain patterns in the wood of my desk.

"Well, we need to finalize the plan for today, but I also had a few troubles I wanted to bring to your attention," Kirishima explained. I raised and eyebrow, signaling for him to continue. "It's the governor, (L/n)'s father. I received word last night from Uraraka on the Justicia that some navy ships were spotted following us from not too far off. We might be dealing with two forces at once if we launch the attack today. If you think it's fine, we'll continue on as planned. Otherwise, we can try and take care of the small Spanish fleet first and then go forward with the rescue mission. It's your call."

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