Truth or Plank! Ep. 2

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Mika: Welcome back everyone to your favorite show at sea-- Truth or Plank!

[Insert loud clapping and cheering]

Mika: Thank you everyone, thank you. Today we will be speaking with some of our original cast, plus several new additions in an attempt to get some truth out of what they've been hiding. If they refuse to answer? The plank it is! And, boy, that water is pretty frigid today folks! No person in their right mind would jump into that water... so I guess, that being said, we'll see Bakugo jump in a few times.

Bakugo: Hey! What are you implying, you pink-haired wench!

Mika: Speak of the Devil and he shall appear! Let's bring in the rest of the Bakuhatsu crew... you too, (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Awww it's been so long since I've seen all of you! I've missed you all so much! Not you... Bakugo.

Kirishima: (Y/nnnnnnnn), don't leave us again!

Bakugo: Tch.

Mika: Alright, we really shouldn't be wasting time! The first question comes from Yumi_Lasagna1 and they are asking Captain Bakugo, "Do [you and Midoriya] know eachother? If so, what is [your] relationship?"

Bakugo: He looks familiar, I mean you don't see a rat with green hair everyday, so I'm sure we've met before.

Midoriya: Why must you hurt me so? You know that--

Mika: No spoilers!!

Midoriya: Oh... my bad.

Mika: Yumi_Lasagna1 also asks "How does the crew on the Bakuhatsu feel about (Y/n)'s departure?"

Kirishima: Well, I suppose everyone knows how I feel.

Mina: I miss her so much! Bakugo's a lot meaner when she's not around and she was a serious member of our female trio!

Jirou: I feel the same as Mina. (Y/n) was super cool and a hard worker. Looks like Kaminari's not the only one with no brain cells.

Kaminari: Okay, ouch, but it's fine because I know that's your way of flirting *winks*. (Y/n) made Bakugo look like a total idiot frequently, which I think I speak for the entirety of the crew when I say we loved that. Plus, (Y/n) definitely upped the Babe-Meter on our ship--

Bakugo: *Punches Kaminari and knocks him unconcious* Your opinion is worthless.

Sero: Yikes... poor guy. (Y/n) was a huge help around the ship and really seemed to be exactly what we had been missing. Now that she's gone, we're really starting to notice what a huge void she filled.

Mika: Alright here's another question for Bakugo, he's really popular this week.

Bakugo: I'm always popular.

Mika: Right, anyways, Comix101 asks "What's your favorite pirate's tale/myth?"

Bakugo: That's random, but a good question nonetheless. Everyone's heard of Sir Francis Drake, right? He was a pirate back in the late 16th and early 17th century. Well, legend has it that his ghost will be seen riding in a coach pulled by headless horses and surrounded by demons and a pack of headless, yelping dogs, or Wish Hounds if you will, in the dead of night between Tavistock and Plymouth in England. While Sir Francis Drake and his demons reek havoc, the Wish Hounds will yelp and any dog who hears their yelp will surely die. I swear this is true, I went to Tavistock when I first was with the League and I saw them all myself! Dog howls still make me jump to this day, for the make me think of what I saw that night.

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