Chp. 17: Kind Words Hurt the Most

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Bakugo's POV

I woke up to a quiet knock at my door. I grumbled to myself, not knowing who would be needing me this late and after everything that went down. (Y/n)'s forehead was pressed against my chest and her still trembling hands were gripping my shirt. I gently opened her hands and laid them on top of her pillow, before rolling away from her and stepping out of the bed. I crept over to the door and opened it with a scowl on my face. I was surprised to see Valentina on the other side of the door.

"What are you doing here? And this late?" I whispered strongly, quietly expressing my irritation.

"Can I talk with you out here for a second? I wanted to discuss some things before (Y/n) wakes up," Valentina asked and I begrudgingly agreed to step out, softly shutting the door behind me. We walked a little ways away from my door and out onto the deck.

"What is it that's so important?" I asked impatiently.

"How is she?" Valentina asked, nervously fidgeting with the feathers on her jacket. It came to my realization that Valentina hadn't seen her own sister in years, besides the few seconds in which she was in a near-death state.

"She's getting better, but she was being tortured and slowly killed by Tomura. It'll be a miracle if she's ever the same again," I answered honestly, biting at my cheek as the image of (Y/n)'s limp body falling victim to surges of electricity every five minutes popped into my head.

"If only I could've been a little stronger all those years ago... then this never would have happened," Valentina mumbled regretfully.

"Is that all you needed?" I asked, my eyelids still heavy and wanting to go back to sleep.

"No, sorry. It's just... I think it would be best if I took (Y/n) somewhere she would be safe. My father will find out she's not dead and if Tomura knows her connection to you, she'll be found in a heartbeat. I know someone who lives in French-controlled Haiti who can take her in. There's no one there with a connection to my father, so she'd be safe," Valentina explained. My heart ached at the thought of sending (Y/n) away after just getting her back. However, my mind overruled my heart, and I knew that if I truly cared about (Y/n)'s well-being I would send her with Valentina.

"If you are certain that is the best way to protect her..." I trailed off, not wanting myself to say those words.

"I'm certain. I can tell you care about her, so, please, make the right decision and ensure her safety," Valentina said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I hated hearing her point out how I felt about (Y/n). It was one thing for me to think in my head, but it was another thing for someone else to notice. I wasn't about to argue with her though.

"It's just... do you really think isolating her from everyone is the best choice? She already feels so alone when she's surrounded by people she's built relationships with."

"I hate doing this to her, but she's a smart girl and will understand it's for her own good. I'm sure she feels awful for getting you all mixed into our family drama, and I don't want her to have to carry that weight around with her anymore.

"She's smart, but she's also insanely powerful-- hiding isn't going to be easy."

"If she's not being threatened, then no one will find out just how strong her quirk is."

"Fine, but my crew isn't going to be happy about this," I sighed, leaving immediately and not staying to hear Valentina's final words. I knew Valentina was just looking out for her sister, but I didn't think she was making the best choice by isolating (Y/n). I would never be able to understand the position Valentina was in-- searching for years to find her sister so she could make up for not being able to protect her for so long-- but Valentina also didn't know the person (Y/n) was now, and I did.

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