Hanahaki Disease

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Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease that occurs when someone had unrequited love otherwise known as a one sided love. Sufferers cough flower petals as long as they have the unrequited feelings. The only way to cure the disease is to move on from the unreturned feelings or get their feelings returned. If neither happens the sufferer will suffocate from the garden blooming within them.


Jin Ling stared at the red rose petals resting on his palm. The petals that just exited his mouth.. He stared wide eyed at the petals. His uncle had told him about this. Hanahaki disease, as he called it, it causes someone that suffers unrequited love to cough flower petals. As long as they possessed the unreturned feelings, a flower garden would grow in the sufferer till they suffocate and die.

But why did he have it? He didn't love anyone in that way.. at least he didn't think he did. The teenager sat there deep in thought, if he didn't figure it out soon he'll die.

"Young Master Jin?" Jin Ling dropped the petals, turning his attention to the familiar voice. Lan Sizhui sat down next to the vermillion marked teenager. "Are you alright? You seemed to be worried about something."

Thump... Thump... Thump...

Jin Ling felt his face go hot as the white wearing teenager expressed his concern for him. The feeling of something rushing up his throat occurred. He quickly turn away from his friend as more flower petals exited him.

"Young Master Jin? Are you alright?" Jin Ling discarded the flower petals and looked back at Sizhui.

"I'm fine, it's just a small cold." He lied, not wanting to get Sizhui involved. The teenager figured it out now. His feelings are for Sizhui but he was sure that at least one of the rules of the cloud recesses was against homosexuality and Sizhui honored the rules so much. He was sure if he were to tell the boy about the source of the Hanahaki Disease for him, Sizhui would abandon everything he was raised on to make sure that Jin Ling lives. He couldn't do that to him especially not when he cared so much about him.

"Young Master Jin, if you're sick maybe you should see a doctor or rest." The white robed teenager suggested. Jin Ling nodded.

"I'll go rest now.." He got up and headed to his temporary room in the cloud recesses.

Jin Ling had gotten used to it. He had gotten used to the constant flower petals during his stay in the cloud recesses. Everything about the place reminded him of Sizhui, and everytime he thought about Sizhui he coughed flower petals. It was suffocating but not enough to kill him.

He could bear it. Bear it for Sizhui. It was until one day the flowers came out bloody. That didn't look too good. But Jin Long decided to keep hiding it. It was during one of the usual squabbles with Lan Jingyi during a night hunt when he lost it.

As he drew his sword, he glanced at Sizhui. Feeling the surge of petals, he dropped his sword to favor to covering and catching the petals. This didn't go unnoticed by the two Lan disciples.

"Young Master Jin, are you sure it's just a cold?" Sizhui asked worriedly. "It's been going on for quite some time now and it's only gotten worse. Are you sure you've gotten enough rest?"

"It's fine, I'll get over it—" Jin Ling coughed again but this time instead of petals, blood came out instead. He felt his legs give out and he toppled over. The Lan disciples rushed to catch him.

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