Heaven's Will

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The heavens shook as the a certain teenager ascended to the inner court. His white robes resembling mourning clothes fluttered as his cloud patterned forehead ribbon fell elegantly against his long dark hair.

The martial god opened his gentle gray eyes, his sight falling on the dozens upon dozens of gods gathering to witness his ascension. He couldn't even mutter a greeting, tears of ran down his cheek replacing the tear streaks that had been caused a few mere hours prior.

This was the ascension of Lan Sizhui.


Jin Ling stared at the giant statue in the Gusu temple. He didn't know what it was but that face felt familiar. Like a piece of him he couldn't recall. Subconsciously, his hand reached out only stop halfway.

"Ling-Er. What are you doing here so late?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"A-Niang will tell you a bedtime story, let's head back."

As the mother and son left the temple neither would've seen the two individuals standing next to the statue. Dressed in white resembling mourning robes, not that any mortal eye would see.

"Sizhui.. How long do you plan to keep watching him? It's been centuries, He's been reincarnated more times than one can count on hands." The outer court official asked, looking worriedly at his best friend.

"As long as I can. Till my time as god fades and I no long possess the ability to watch and protect him." The inner court official watched longingly as the dark brown ponytail disappeared from view. His heart thumped remembering the similar sight a before his ascension.

"Is it really worth it? Watching him love another and pass so many times. You can't possibly tell me that it doesn't hurt. I'm not saying this as your subordinate but as your friend."

"I know Jingyi."

"Let's head back up to heaven, You should get some rest it's been a long day."


"A-Niang, The god in that temple.. Who is he?"

"He's Lan Sizhui. Several centuries ago he sacrificed his life for a young sect leader. The act of selflessness caught the eye of the heavens and he ascended." Yanli told, the story only making her son more awake than before.

"Who.. was the sect leader?"

"I don't know. The records have long since been lost. It's late, sleep tight now. You have that big hunt tomorrow." She reminded, tucking the sect heir in. "Good night."

"Good night."


Jin Ling couldn't feel his arm and he lost the other cultivators. Not that they would've helped, no one liked him anyways. He stumbled into the building as the vermilion marked boy heard the beasts closing in on him.

This wasn't how the hunt was supposed to go. How could this happen?? Why would his cousin attack him midhunt?? Did he say something offensive? He didn't think he did.

The yellow robed boy was snapped out of his thoughts. The hog beasts were here. At the entrance stood three rugged blood drenched man sized hogs. The smell of blood had filled the room and led the beasts right to Jin Ling.

He was gonna die.

As the hogs closed in Jin Ling felt his back hit an alter. The boy looked up to see the status he had been looking at the night prior. He looked back at the hogs,his blood soaked arm reminding him that he couldn't fight and made a last ditch attempt at salvation.

LanSizhui x JinLing OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now