Eight Broken Strings Pt.1

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He remembers everything in incredible vivid detail.

The blood on the ground, in the air and on Sizhui's white robes. The shock on his face, His lover's face. The older boy's trembling hand gently on Jin Ling's cheek assuring him it was alright. Then relieved smile that was on Sizhui's face before the life drained from his eyes.

The Assassin stumbled back, his sword painted crimson with Sizhui's blood. In his state of shock he was quickly apprehended by Jingyi, whose own face was running with tears for his late friend.

Jin Ling remembers gently shaking Sizhui. Kissing and hugging the older boy hoping by some miracle it could revive him. He remembers crying "A-Yuan I love you, please wake up!" Over and over as tears fell from his face onto the boy in his arms.

But he didn't, no matter what Jin Ling did Sizhui's eyes stayed closed accompanied by his forever kind smile.

He could still feel it, Sizhui's warmth when they hugged, kissed, or made love but then he would be snapped back to the grim reality that he could never experience that again. Never again would he hear the gentle voice call out his name or speak cheesy lines that he took for granted.

Jin Ling remembers kneeling in front of Sizhui's funeral alter, kneeling till his knees were red crying till his tear ducts ran dry. Even then he spent almost a full month there.

Sizhui's wooden Guqin rested in Jin Ling's room after his death as per Hanguang-Jun's request. The Lan sect cultivator knew what it was like to lose someone you loved and that every little bit of them that you could cling to was precious.

Jin Ling was sometimes take the Guqin off it's stand and hug it crying. Hanguang-Jun would come over every once in a while to play for the Sect Leader in hopes it would help. Jin Ling would almost become offended by the music as if it was trying to replace Sizhui's playing.

He still asked Hanguang-Jun to come over every other week to teach him how to play the Guqin. Specifically Inquiry. It took quite a while but he managed to learn the song and began search for Sizhui's soul.

Finding Sizhui was the easy part but the hard part was maintaining the connection. No matter how hard he tried. How hard he focused whenever he found Sizhui he would lose concentration and the connection would disappear.

Jingyi often came by Jinlin Tower to try to help or comfort Jin Ling. By the time it was the fourth year anniversary of Sizhui's death Jin Ling realized it was hopeless and stopped trying.

Around this time Jingyi was figuring out how Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian ended up being able to marry despite Wei Wuxian having died over a decade ago. It was then it clicked. A sacrifice ritual. The one Mo Xuanyu performed to bring back the Yiling Patriarch to grant his wish.

What if he could bring Sizhui back.. Then Jin Ling would stop moping around and go back to normal.

Jingyi for once went to the Library Pavilion not due to punishment, a few of the disciples actually thought he was sick. It was one day when he was near a certain entrance where he knew exactly where a book about demonic cultivation would be located.

The Room for Forbidden Books.

Jingyi was never the best at following rules, he broke the running, shouting and fighting rule on a daily basis but going into a restricted level was on a completely different level. He could get kicked out of the sect for doing this.

He gulped before giving a nervous smile of assurance to himself. It's alright, he never fit in anyways.

Under normal nights Hanguang-Jun would patrol for anyone awake past nine but tonight was his wedding anniversary. Everyone knows that he won't be leaving his room that night. When Sizhui was still alive the two of them and Jin Ling would go down to Caiyi Town for the night and have a drinking competition. He always lost of course but it was always fun.

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