Pretend Boyfriend

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Jin Ling and Lan Sizhui are dating.

Well. Sorta.

"W-What are you doing??" The younger boy flushed red from the other's hand on his.

"Holding your hand. That's what couples do isn't it?" Jin Ling shut his mouth at that. He was the pretend boyfriend. This was all an act. An act to keep other people away from A-Yuan..

Just an act..


Lan Sizhui stared at the pile of love letters that had fallen from his locker and onto the ground by his feet. At this point he was just impressed that so many letters could be shoved into his locker.

"Aiyo, Heartbreaker Sizhui strikes again. Who are you turning down first?"

"Jingyi.." The student body president picked up the letters, putting them away in his bag. "I'm going to at least read the letters so the sender's feelings can be expressed."

"But you're ultimately going to turn them down."

"Uh yes.." Sizhui looked down at the ground feeling the guilt only cinnamon rolls can from turning people down.

"Why don't you get a pretend girlfriend? There are so many girls in the school that likes you it shouldn't be hard. If you swing that way it wouldn't be any harder finding a pretend boyfriend." Jin Ling wasn't trying to eavesdrop but a row over he had heard the conversation. He didn't like the thought of Sizhui with someone else, even if it would be an act. He bit his bottom lip, slamming his locker shut angrily quickly heading home before he hears any more about Sizhui's future pretend lover.

The very next morning Sizhui asked Jin Ling to meet him behind the school. When he arrived, Sizhui bowed at a 90 degree angle with his hand out at Jin Ling.

"Please go out with me!"

Ah so Sizhui chose him to be the pretend boyfriend. Wait—

Sizhui chose him to be the p r e t e n d b o y f r i e n d.



And now here he was on his way to school holding hands with his pretend boyfriend. Many of the students stared at the two with disappointment but said nothing.

While Jin Ling was covering his flustered face with his free hand, Sizhui was smiling very brightly and seemed to be in a very happy mood. He even gave Jin Ling a kiss on his hand before heading off to his own class. That definitely turned a few heads. Not that anyone had time to ask before the teacher arrived.


"Jin Ling I didn't know you were dating Sizhui. How did you keep such a relationship a secret?"

"Piss off."

"Jin Ling I want to know too! I left Sizhui several letters but He always turned them down. How did you do it?"

"It just means he didn't like you back."

"That's rich coming from you? What, Lan Sizhui likes you Jin Ling? You probably bribed him or something." Jin Ling glared at the classmate.

LanSizhui x JinLing OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now